ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh Market Vegetable Vendor

Balancing the Systems: Making Food and Market Systems Work for Nutrition

If you work in international development, you have probably heard a lot about food systems lately. The buzz about food …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda USAID-funded RWANU youth participant in agricultural field

Challenging Our Assumptions on How Best to Engage Youth

In 2016, I visited northern Uganda to assess the impact on youth of the Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition …

ACDI/VOCA Spotlights Youth in Projects Around the World

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU Livestock Activity Gender Assessment Report

Livestock Activity Gender Impact Assessment in Uganda

The Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Karamoja (RWANU) project is a five-year, $50 million USAID Food for Peace …


RWANU Brings Financial Inclusion to Karamoja, Uganda

For men and women in southern Karamoja in northeastern Uganda, accessing financial services is a challenge. Few financial institutions exist …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU Brochure

Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) Brochure

The five-year Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) project, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, focuses on reducing food insecurity and malnutrition …

Using a Theory of Change for Collaboration, Learning, and Adaptation: Guidance and Methodology

This document presents guidance, tools and other resources to help an organization implement a ToC based project including: Reviewing and …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU handwashing

RWANU Empowers Northern Ugandan Villages to Build Latrines

In May, Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment declared three villages in the Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda open-defecation free. …

ACDI/VOCA Ugandan family

RWANU Helps Ugandan Women Grab Life by the Horns

Research shows that empowering women is smart economics. But in many parts of the world, tradition dictates the lives of …


Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement II (ADVANCE II) Brochure

The Feed the Future USAID Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) II Activity is committed to optimizing business …

Woman working with keyhole gardens in Uganda

RWANU Supports Sustainable Water Management in Uganda

Promoting Sustainable Water Management for Improved Nutrition and Health in Uganda Traditionally, people living in southern Karamoja in arid northeastern …

Makeba Clay in Ghana, Farmer-to-Farmer

Field Notes from Ghana: Looking Back

As my volunteering assignment came to an end, I couldn’t help but reflect on the entire experience. Working with members …