ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso ViM health

Mother Leaders Strengthen Village Health in Burkina Faso

Messages of health are spreading in Koulogho village, found in the Center-North region of Burkina Faso. Abibou Ouedraogo, 26, is …

Access to Credit Empowers Women in Burkina Faso

Traditional agricultural practices in the Center-North Region of Burkina Faso have often led to low yields of millet, cowpea, sorghum, …

ACDI/VOCA Colombia Work for Reconciliation Youth Job Training

Workforce Development Promises Social Mobility in Colombia

One in two people living in the Barranquilla work in the informal economy, shining shoes and cleaning houses, according to …

ACDI/VOCA Colombia Farmers Market

Smallholder Farmers Showcase Products & Harvest in Colombia Markets

ACDI/VOCA USAID Burkina Faso project participants in field

ViM Project Introduces Rice to Fight Hunger in Burkina Faso

Fati Kiéma, a mother of six children, lives in the village of Goenega in Burkina Faso. Like many women in …

Teresa: Mozambican Entrepreneur

ACDI/VOCA USAID Liberia cowpea shelling

Liberian Farmer Learns Agroforestry Techniques from FIFES Project

Ma Rebecca Giahdyuway, a 47-year-old mother of 10 and member of the Ahnawon Farmers’ Group in the Matro Community Forest …

Pathway to Nutrition through Women’s Empowerment

ACDI/VOCA Colombia youth sewing

How Do We Prepare Youth to Succeed? ACDI/VOCA Joins Conversation at Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit

It’s no secret that technology and globalization are changing today’s labor markets. As many markets shift from traditional to digital, …

Celebrating Small Wins Toward Reconciliation in Colombia

Earlier this year, on June 27, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) turned in 7,000 firearms to the United …

ACDI/VOCA Guatemala radio show

Let’s Talk about Peace and Reconciliation

Sergio Rivas, Felix Maradiaga, and Alfredo Calderon participate in a radio interview discussing peacebuilding approaches across Latin America   Conference …

ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso trees

Planting Trees: An Investment in the Environment Improves Food Security and Nutrition

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, I am admittedly a bit of a tree hugger. …