Colombia_PAR_Success Story_Maria Jose Molina

Venezuelan Migrants Get Ahead with Recipes for Success

Youth culinary training program promotes inclusion for new Bogotá residents Venezuelan migrants are far from empty-handed when they arrive in …

Widow Rebounds from Adversity through Kenya LMS Support

Kuresha Bile, a mother and widowed farmer in central Kenya, has seen it all. In 2009, her life crumbled around …

Ghana ADVANCE II extension news item

Gender Integration in USAID’s Agricultural Research Investments: A Synthesis of Key Findings and Best Practices

Published by Agrilinks, February 26, 2020

Meymuma Barrow_Kenya LMS_STEM grant recipient

Feed the Future Kenya Activity Provides Grants to Young Women to Expand STEM Studies

Over the last several years, Kenyan universities and institutions of higher learning have seen a decline in students taking Science, …

In Colombia, Project-Supported Robotics School Launches Women & Girls in Science, All the Way to NASA

Women and girls from Colombia’s Pacific Region are showing the world a different side of the once-marginalized area. Two young …

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh LPIN women milk

What Does It Take to Improve Nutrition? A Livestock Program’s Experience with Social and Behavior Change in Bangladesh

Published by Agrilinks, February 6, 2020

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh project participant feeding cows

Where’s the Meat – Ask Women, Youth, and Your Staff for the Answer

Published by USAID’s Learning Lab, December 18, 2019


Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Communities Affected by Migration

Published by Agrilinks, December 9, 2019

Improving Childhood Nutrition by Empowering Women in Ghana’s Poultry Sector

Published by Agrilinks, November 27, 2019

Fundación ACDI/VOCA Latin America Marks First Year of Empowering Communities

Despite strides to reduce poverty in recent years, 29.6 percent of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean still …

Family in garden

Emergency Response in Arauca (ERA) II

Arauca is the main municipality of the northeastern Colombian Department of the same name. Located south of the Arauca River, …

Family smiling outside

ACDI/VOCA Announces $38 million Agriculture and Food Systems Activity in Myanmar

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce a new five-year, $38 million activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development …