Systems Leadership to Build Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Honduras

Globally, we have seen the importance of entrepreneurial ecosystems in supporting entrepreneurs to access human and financial capital and in …

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Turkey Rearing Increases Income for Young Graduate in Rural Laos

Saykham Phommavongsa is a 32-year-old turkey farmer in the village of Nady in the Pek District of Xiengkhouang Province. After …

Entrepreneur Anara Erkebaeva's (right, standing) bakery business is truly a family affair

Anara’s Story: A Young Kyrgyz Entrepreneur with Sweet Dreams

Anara Erkebaeva (pictured far right, above) lives in Uchkun village, near the city of Osh, in southern Kyrgyzstan. Even though …

AVV Kyrgyzstan digital nomads

Investing in a Hub for Digital Nomads in Kyrgyzstan

An important step has been taken toward the emergence of a hub for digital nomads, or independent remote workers, in …

Ghana Poultry Project Holds Poultry Mentorship and Business Bootcamp for Young Entrepreneurs

Now more than ever, the development of economic sustainable agriculture must be prioritized to achieve Ghana’s, as well as Africa-wide, …

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Women Entrepreneurs Support Other Women in Ghana’s Poultry Sector

Fewer women than men work in Ghana’s poultry sector and even fewer at the leadership level. Mentorship can provide knowledge …

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Josephine’s Story: Starting a Business in Isiolo, Kenya

According to a 2014 UN Women report, studies show that girls who experience poverty are 2.5 times more likely to …

AV Ventures Launches Fund in Northern Kenya

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 3, 2020 — AV Ventures, a for-profit impact investment subsidiary of ACDI/VOCA, has announced the recent launch …

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Girls’ Education in Northern Kenya Paves Road to Financial Empowerment

Between Marsabit and Moyale, about 750 kilometers from Nairobi, on the winding road that snakes its way to the border …

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Beekeeping Protects Biodiversity & Offers Alternative Livelihoods for Liberian Women

Harvesting honey is a job traditionally associated with men because they are more able to work the late hours required …

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Webinar Examines How Rural Tourism Can Fuel Development in the COVID-19 Era

ACDI/VOCA celebrated World Environment Day on June 5, 2020, by hosting the webinar “What Is Rural Tourism? Opportunities for Development.” The live event …


In Kenya, Feed the Future Activity Equips Young Women Entrepreneurs to Start Business & Thrive

At the bustling and vibrant Moyale Market, located on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia, 18-year-old Fatuma Guyo sits patiently …