Private Sector Employees Volunteer to Restore Community with Colombia Program of Alliances for Reconciliation (PAR)

The Bahía Solano neighborhood of Quibdó, Colombia, the capital city of the Chocó department, is located just across the Atrato …

Beekeeping Boosts Incomes in Uganda

In the remote, dusty village of Kamera in northeastern Uganda, villagers have traditionally depended on hunting, day labor, and small-scale …

LEO Final Performance Report Cover

Leveraging Economic Opportunities Final Performance Report

Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) was a three-year contract to support programming that fosters inclusive growth through markets. Building on USAID’s …

Gabriel Baracatt, Fundación Avina CEO & Paul Guenette ACDI/VOCA Chief Communications Officer

ACDI/VOCA Signs MOU with Latin American Foundation Fundación Avina

ACDI/VOCA signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Fundación Avina on Thursday, November 17 at ACDI/VOCA headquarters in Washington, DC. …

LEO Youth

LEO Report No. 46: Youth Engagement in Agricultural Value Chains across Feed the Future

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As global youth populations and unemployment swell to unprecedented levels, it is comforting to imagine the development of …

LEO Summary of Activities

Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) was a three-year contract to support programming that fosters inclusive growth through markets. Building on USAID’s …

LEO Mozambique VCA report cover

LEO Report #31: Mozambique Agricultural Value Chain Analysis

USAID/Mozambique commissioned a value chain analysis (VCA) to prioritize and guide interventions within and across target value chains. The analysis …

Zambia Profit+ womens empowerment

New LEO Cultivating Women’s Empowerment in Feed the Future Projects Report Released

Two ACDI/VOCA Projects Highlighted in Staff-Authored Report Released at the start of Feed the Future Week, the “Cultivating Women’s Empowerment: …

Cultivating womens empowerment

Cultivating Women’s Empowerment: Stories from Feed the Future 2011–2015

Women contribute significantly to agriculture and food security around the globe, and gender equality and women’s empowerment are critical to ensuring sustainable …


LEO Report No. #19: Scaling Impact: Improving Smallholder Farmers’ Beneficial Access to Output Markets

Smallholder farmers constitute a majority of the working population in much of the developing world, and they tend to be …

Serbia Leo Report 34

Serbia Competitiveness Assessment & Political Economy Analysis—Organizational Network Analysis: Leo Report #34

THIS REPORT This report was prepared in conjunction with the Competitiveness Assessment & Political Economy Analysis for USAID-Serbia, conducted from …

Serbia Leo 29

Serbia Competitiveness Assessment & Political Economy Analysis: LEO Report #29

OBJECTIVE This assessment seeks to identify the key factors constraining Serbia’s private MSME sector, and its ability to grow and …