Ghana_ADVANCE_SMFM_women group

Six Ways Ghanaian Women Thrive in Village Savings and Loan Associations

The Upper East Region is a less traditional alcove of Ghana where communities are more open to women taking part …

CDI/VOCA Bangladesh RDC seed dealer

Could Asset-Based Finance Be a New Solution for Financing SMEs?

Published by Marketlinks, March 10, 2020

New Tractor, New Life For Outgrower Business Owner in Ghana

Alhassan Mumuni Baba had a tractor that he used to farm his 30 acres of maize, soybeans, and rice in …

Man leading women outside

Official Development Assistance & Impact Investing Can Work Together to Make the World a Better Place

This article originally appeared on the SOCAP (Social Capital Markets) website prior to SOCAP19, an annual conference focused on market-based …

Man and woman talking by new phone

Are Kenya’s Mobile Lending Apps Solving or Perpetuating Debt?

A recent article published by Boston Review explored the pitfalls of digital finance and mobile lending apps in Kenya, a …

Kenya Activity Empowers Women through Training & Asset Transfer

In Northern Kenya men traditionally manage their families’ livestock assets as producers, traders, and protectors against rustlers. Women, on the …

Ghana Poultry Project Partners with Private Firms to Expand Markets for Local Chicken

Amazingly, chicken that travels to Ghana from all over the world is still cheaper than locally produced chicken, due to …

Ghana Poultry Project Grant Supports Domestic Chicken Production

In Ghana, high production costs hinder the production of chicken, the country’s most popular meat. Augustine Amankwa, a poultry entrepreneur and CEO …

AV Ventures Investments Catalyze Ghana Poultry Industry

AV Ventures is pleased to announce two new investments in Ghana: G. I. Nyame Aye Awie Ampa Limited (GINAAAL) and Golden Link Savings and Loans Limited. AV Ventures, a subsidiary …

Boosting Women’s Entrepreneurship in Ghana

Women make up 70 percent of Ghana’s poultry labor force, yet only 7 percent own their own poultry farms. Edith Wheatland, 41, overcame the …

AV Ventures Partners Locally to Bring Impact Investing to the Kyrgyz Republic’s Missing Middle

In the Kyrgyz Republic, as in many emerging or developing countries, large firms attract investors with deep pockets, while smaller …

Women Farmers Increase Onion Production & Family Income in Burkina Faso

Small-scale market gardening, especially onion production, has become an important income-generating activity for women in Zorkoum, a village central Burkina …