Achieving Household food & nutrition security
Our vision to combat extreme poverty and chronic malnutrition in the Centre-Nord Region of Burkina Faso is to build on the proven success of the Victory Against Malnutrition (ViM) project. Victory Against Malnutrition Plus (ViMPlus) will achieve sustainable food and nutrition security for households thriving in resilient community systems in Centre-Nord through the scaling of ViM best practices plus targeted innovations by our consortium: ACDI/VOCA, Save the Children, Tufts University and proven local partners. More than just a geographic expansion and strengthening of ViM’s market systems approach to livelihoods, ViMPlus adds interventions with a deliberate focus on sustainability, governance, disaster risk management, and gender and youth integration and includes robust collaborating, learning and adapting feedback loops.
Knowledge Sharing Event 2023
Rapport Final-Foire aux Savoirs ViMPlus
Final Report- ViMPlus Knowledge Sharing Event
Posters & Presentations
Multiplication de semences-English
Evaluation de la capacité organisationelle et de l’efficacité des administrations municipales
Mecanisme d’approvisionnement en intrants, aliments betail, aliments volaille
Mecanisme d’approvisionnement en intrants, aliments betail, aliments volaille-English
Carte de performance communautaire PREPARE
Carte de performance communautaire PREPARE-English
La Cocréation de la feuille de route pour la resilience de communes
La Cocréation de la feuille de route pour la resilience de communes-English
Presentation de l’approche sous project d’acces aux marche (SPAM)
Presentation of the Projected Market Access Approach (SPAM)
Pratiques de résilience, santé et la nutrition
ACF Resilience Practices Health and Nutrition
Offensive agropastorale et halieutique
ViMPlus ANJE integrated services-French
ViMPlus ANJE integrated services-English
Technical Documents
Note conceptuelle de la foire aux savoirs sur les pratiques de resilience au Burkina Faso
Termes de référence foire aux savoirs
Séchage et conservation de legumes feuilles vert-fonces
Paysan auxiliaire de vulgarisation et d’appui conseil (PAVAC)
La farine infantile amelioree et la bouillie enrichie
Plan annuel d’investissement communautaire (PAIC)
- Enhance inclusive governance of institutions and organizations
- Support vulnerable households in their pathway to food security and resilience
- Improve the health and nutrition of vulnerable households, especially pregnant and lactating women and children in their first 1,000 days of life
- Improve adoption of household water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices, especially reducing open defecation, and enhance village water management
- Increase and sustain economic wellbeing through diversified livelihoods of vulnerable households
- Enhance social, economic, and political agency and empowerment of women, men, and female youth
Activities and Approaches
- ViMPlus governance interventions strengthen local governance structures’ capacity to support vulnerable households in becoming food secure and resilient. By strengthening the Conseils Villageois de Développement’s capacity to organize, plan, manage, and advocate for village development priorities, ViMPlus enhances equitable access to services for households that help them mitigate risks. This includes an improved capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from shocks, risks, and stressors. It also includes improved conflict management and improved and equitable management of natural and common resources.
- ViMPlus maternal child health and nutrition interventions reflect a comprehensive approach to improve the health and nutrition of pregnant and lactating women and children under two in Centre-Nord. Interventions aim to improve and increase health services and health-seeking behavior from both the demand and supply sides. Further, we work to improve behaviors at the individual, household, and community levels to reduce stunting and wasting in children under two through a targeted and comprehensive social behavior change approach. ViMPlus improves the functioning, coordination, and support of optimal infant and young child feeding and maternal nutrition behaviors to reduce chronic and acute malnutrition through existing government-supported structures.
- ViMPlus increases adoption of optimal household WASH practices and improves access to WASH facilities, businesses, and potable water for household use. We also work to enhance village water management.
- ViMPlus scales proven, successful models that support climate-smart agriculture and access to livestock production, such as lead farmer extension, Sell More For More, Farming as a Business, lowland and irrigated perimeter rehabilitation, and warrantage. We also introduce new and innovative approaches to increase access to finance and develop off-farm and non-farm opportunities, including those targeted specifically to women and youth.
Anticipated/Achieved Project Results
- Improved and equitable service delivery at the commune and village levels
- Improved capacity of vulnerable households and communities to prepare for, manage, and recover from shocks, risks, and stressors
- Improved and equitable management of natural and common resources
- Greater transparency and accountability
- Improved conflict management
- Improved quality of healthcare services
- Increased use of health and nutrition services by women and children
- Increased use of family planning services
- Increased adoption of optimal maternal and infant and young child feeding practices
- Improved knowledge of and motivation to adopt recommended WASH-related health topics and behaviors
- Increased household and school access to basic sanitation facilities and handwashing stations with soap and water
- Improved access to WASH markets and businesses
- Increased access to water for household use, including potable drinking water
- Improved village water governance for sustainable water management
- Increased income from smallholder agriculture (crops and livestock)
- Increased business capacity for entrepreneurs, especially women and youth
- Increased high-quality, gender-equitable, and higher-return formal and informal employment, especially during lean season
Sustainability and Exit Strategy Study (2021)
Service Providers Report (2023)
Project Leadership

Chief of Party: Regis Terrien

Project Director: Karl Rosenberg

Project Specialist: Erin Engstran
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