Feed the Future Tanzania NAFAKA II Activity

Increasing Competitiveness of Rice and Maize Value Chains to Improve Nutrition

Background Narrative

The NAFAKA II Activity served as an important component of USAID’s Feed the Future Initiative from 2017-2021. It was charged with the development of efficient market systems that serve large numbers of rice and maize producers, with a particular focus on women and youth. NAFAKA II activity successfully complemented and extended on the NAFAKA (I) project by developing efficient market systems that serve large numbers of rice and maize producers, especially targeting women, leading to successful adoption at scale of improved technologies and agricultural practices that increase over-all system productivity and competitiveness and improving nutrition for large numbers of rice and maize smallholders. NAFAKA interventions have extended the reach of private sector value chain participants, empowered producer organizations, and encouraged a commercial orientation of small farm producers.

The NAFAKA II objectives were to improve competitiveness and inclusiveness of the rice and maize value chains, which led to increased productivity, profitability, and nutritional well being for target beneficiaries through the following:

  • Input supply value chain strengthened
  • Producer marketing capacity strengthened
  • Milling and processing improved
  • Nutrition Market Facilitation


The project activities were organized under the following four components:

  • Project-facilitated strengthening of VBAA network through private-sector engagement and increased business management and access to finance by VBAAs
  • Improved management and business performance of POs via technical trainings and mechanization grants to increase PO revenues
  • NAFAKA supported the improved performance of processors and millers via BDS and market linkage activities (e.g., B2B) between suppliers, financial services and buyers
  • Increasing local access to fortified (high nutrient) maize flour via fortification campaigns
  • Reached 290,773 producers by the 385-project supported VBAAs, 25% of which were women
  • Facilitated 85 grants to POs over the LOP to procure mechanization technologies
  • Increased POs volume of rice and maize sold by 435% through LOP
  • Increased women and youth leadership positions in 1,430 POs (compared to 154 during start-up)

Funder: USAID Feed the Future

Jim-Flock headshot

Chief of Party: Jim Flock, jflock@nafaka-tz.org

Project Specialist: Luisa Beltran Rey, lbeltranrey@acdivoca.org

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