The Feed the Future Honduras Sustainable Agribusiness Activity will strengthen targeted value chains and create sustainable economic opportunities in Honduras by fostering competitive, inclusive, and resilient agricultural systems.
Project Objectives
- Objective 1: Agricultural systems that are more competitive.
- Objective 2: Agricultural systems that are more inclusive.
- Objective 3: Agricultural market systems that are more resilient.
Project Activities
- Create more competitive agricultural systems by improving market linkages, increasing provision of services to farmers by local actors, and growing sales in targeted value chains.
- Develop inclusive agricultural systems by increasing participation and opportunities for poor, youth, and vulnerable populations in agricultural systems.
- Establish resilient agricultural market systems by diversifying livelihoods, expanding access to sustainable water sources, strengthening capacity to manage pests and diseases, and augmenting safety and functionality of food markets.
Project Results
- Reach 70,000 individuals with food security efforts
- Reach 35,000 individuals with new or better jobs
- Mobilize $140 million in investments
Requests for Proposals
Contratación de un consultor o empresa especializada en Branding y planificación de eventos para la implementación de ‘Estrategia de Posicionamiento e Imagen del café de Honduras en el mercado Nacional e Internacional’.
Project Leadership

Chief of Party: Thelonious Trimmell

Project Manager: Margaret Anderson

Project Specialist: Caitlin Weber