Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment Activity

The aim of the USAID/Ghana Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment (GTI) Activity is to integrate the principles of enterprise-driven development and market systems development that spurs enterprise-level productivity and growth by improving the systems in which firms operate. ACDI/VOCA has partnered with Nathan Associates and is a subcontractor on this activity.

GTI’s three objectives are to: 

A) Improve the quality of selected high-value agricultural goods and products by strengthening traceability systems, incentivize small and medium enterprise (SME) awareness and use of these systems, and ensure that SPS enforcement aligns at the national and international level

B) Identify and tackle time-in-trade costs through robust and integrated Risk Management (RM) systems, streamlined clearance procedures, and improved policy formulation through public-private dialogue

C) Foster SME growth by improving linkages with BDS providers, anchor firms, exporters, and other service providers, improving access to credit, addressing the root causes of under-investment in agriculture, and building the capacity of marginalized populations to participate more fully in agribusiness and trade.

ACDI/VOCA’s role on GTI is to lead activities that increase investment, especially in SMEs. Under Objective C, ACDI/VOCA will address identified obstacles by supporting inclusive SME growth and investment to drive innovation, economies of scale, international competitiveness, economic returns, and job creation. These efforts are coordinated with the quality and standards goals and align with relevant policy and engagement tasks. Scaling SMEs from small to medium to large requires tailored support at different phases of business growth. Capacity building will target core businesses and investment needs, using a tiered approach and facilitate linkages with advisory service providers (BDS and financial service providers [FSPs]) and institutions.

Anticipated results include:

1. At least 80 percent of businesses, especially SMEs, report increased incremental income.

2. A minimum of 50 firms completing business transactions valued in excess of $2 million per firm.

3. Exports from SMEs increased by at least 50 percent, including through, but not limited to those using AGOA.

4. Businesses employ at least 15 percent more skilled workers, especially women, youth, and people with disabilities.

Funder: USAID; Prime Contractor: Nathan Associates

Project Director: David Fischer, dfischer@acdivoca.org

Associate Manager: Olive Martin, omartin@acdivoca.org
