The Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition (LAN) Activity is a five-year, $20.5M activity and a follow-on to the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition (LPIN) Activity, also implemented by ACDI/VOCA. The LAN Activity will sustainably increase livestock productivity, marketability, and consumption of livestock products for improved nutrition and incomes for one million livestock-producing households and firms in the 23 target districts in Bangladesh’s Zone of Influence and Zone of Resilience. To achieve this level of scale and results ACDI/VOCA together with local ICT partner, mPower Social Enterprises Ltd., will use an integrated community-based development and inclusive market systems approach and will co-create solutions with communities and public and private sector actors, effectively leveraging their resources, technologies, and expertise.
Call for Applications
Project Objectives
- Increase livestock productivity
- Increase marketability of livestock products at the subnational and national levels
- Increase household consumption of safe and diversified livestock products
- Increase access to financial services, scale ICT solutions, and design activities to ensure social inclusion and empowerment of women, youth, and other marginalized groups in the livestock sector
Project Activities and Approaches
- Provide technical assistance trainings and co-create solutions with livestock households as well as public and private livestock market actors
- Support market actors by coordinating and facilitating linkages among relevant stakeholders, including business-to-business meetings and workshops/forums to plan livestock sector interventions
- Facilitate training and community mobilization events for livestock households and other livestock market actors
- Promote sustainability by engaging the private sector, including women and youth entrepreneurs, through a grant fund
Anticipated Project Results
- Reach 1,000,000 livestock producing households across twenty-three districts
- 100% and 225% increase in milk productivity for local breeds and crossbreeds, respectively
- 70% increase in household consumption of safe, diversified dairy and meat products
- 80% of farmers with increased incomes
Project Leadership

Chief of Party: Muhammad Nurul Amin Siddiquee

Project Director: Rebekah Bakewicz

Project Specialist: Nick Okerlund