Families in their Land (FEST)

Restoring the Lives of Families Affected by Armed Conflict

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Background Narrative

In the wake of the armed conflict with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the Government of Colombia was committed to restoring the lives of affected families. Familias en su Tierra (FEST), aimed to support victims of forced displacement who have relocated or returned to the countryside. FEST contributed to the socioeconomic stability, strengthened basic rights, and reparations of 9,360 families affected by the armed conflict. In municipalities that overlapped with target municipalities of the Program of Alliance for Reconciliation (PAR), ACDI/VOCA introduced reconciliation tools and methodologies that promoted trust-building in beneficiary communities.

  • Improve the livelihoods of families displaced by the armed conflict
  • Strengthen communities through community development and livelihood projects
  • Foster a sense of reconciliation among vulnerable populations
  • Strengthen participating families’ capacities to experience and contribute to socioeconomic stability, human rights, historical memory construction and recuperation, recognition of victims’ dignity, social fabric reconstruction, and the creation of long-term settlements
  • Facilitate with families the design and implementation of food security activities to increase family income by improving access, availability, and consumption of food in a healthy, timely manner that respects local customs and productive practices
  • Facilitate the design and implementation of 117 projects that promote and strengthen sustainable agricultural projects linked to value chains that show potential, generate value added, and consolidate economic opportunities and income generation
  • Work with families to implement actions promoting the improvement of living conditions and healthy environments for the families and communities
  • Comprehensive support to 9,360 families in 14 municipalities in the Antioquia, Choco, Meta and Putumayo departments
  • 117 agricultural projects linked to value chains implemented
  • 243 community development projects implemented

Funder: Government of Colombia’s Department of Social Prosperity
Contact: Yamil A. Roger Nasser at yroger@acdivoca.org
