ProOccidente is a two-phase, five-year, project awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG) of Honduras and funded by the Inter-American Development Bank and FOMPRODE from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). The project will promote the adoption of climate-smart technologies, provide technical assistance to 10,000 producers in six departments and 81 municipalities in the country’s western region, and address the management plans of 15 micro-watersheds. ProOccidente aims to lift 15,000 households out of poverty by addressing the productive development needs of the beneficiary population, which is made up of: (a) agricultural producers in the project’s intervention area corresponding to the twelve clusters, through access to technologies, information, technical assistance, and credit; (b) Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) led by women, through technical assistance for access to new products and markets; and (c) enterprises led by young people, through access to technical assistance and the provision of services.
Project Objectives
- Lift 15,000 households out of poverty by addressing the productive development needs of the beneficiary population
- Promote the adoption of climate-smart technologies among livestock and agriculture producers in Honduras
- Provide technical assistance to 10,000 producers in six departments and 81 municipalities in the country’s western region
- Address the management plans of 15 micro-watersheds
Project Activities
- Provision and facilitation of technology, technical assistance, and access to finance for the target population
- Offer financial support to producers to help finance the implementation of climate-intelligent technologies
- Facilitate coordination between various local entities (municipalities and non-profit organizations) to manage and conserve critical micro-watersheds
- Provide sustainable practices and technologies to improve productivity and the use of resources
- Provide nutritional assistance for the target population
Anticipated Project Results
- Promote the adoption of climate-smart technologies for 5,640 hectares
- Provide technical assistance to 10,000 producers in six departments and 81 municipalities in the country’s western region
- Lift 15,000 households out of poverty
- Provide technical assistance to manage credit for 15,000 producers
- Provide access to new products and/or markets for 4,000 producers
- Provide access to climate information for 5,000 producers
- Assist 225 MIPYMES with increasing their sales and net income
- Provide nutrition assistance for 6,000 rural households
- Develop 25 micro watershed management plans
Project Leadership
Chief of Party: Eduardo Chirinos

Project Director: Bo Banks

Project Specialist: Karla Munoz-Cholico