Increasing Food Security and Economic Growth
ACDI/VOCA implemented a subaward for the USAID-funded Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government Services (BRIDGE) program. Winrock International was the prime on the $6 million project. The program strengthened the capacity of the Government of South Sudan (GOSS) to deliver social services and promote economic growth, while it built the capacity of communities and government to work together to identify, prioritize, and address community needs. The program also increased food security and promoted rapid, broad-based, and self-sustaining economic growth through development of the agricultural sector, improved access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation and expanded access to quality education for all children. ACDI/VOCA was the lead implementer for the food security and economic growth component, revitalizing the agriculture and livestock sectors by strengthening the capacity of the GOSS to support the sector and the value chain of producers, processors, and enterprises that form it. ACDI/VOCA led the food security and economic growth activities for the new program.
In year 1 of the project, BRIDGE and ACDI/VOCA trained 65 government extension agents and 848 individuals on agriculture production techniques. Through these trainings, 32 demonstration plots were established and 34 producer organizations received assistance. To date, a total of 990 individuals have also received agriculture micro-grant kits to support their training and encourage production. In year 1 a total of 702 rural households directly benefitted from the BRIDGE project.