Banco De Bogotá Leadership School Bets on Inclusion During the Pandemic

Responding to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fundación ACDI/VOCA Latin America (FAVLA) developed a virtual methodology using the DecidoSer and INclusiónes tools created by ACDI/VOCA to work with 60 Banco de Bogotá leaders. These leaders, who belong to the bank’s Leadership School and Diversity and Inclusion Board, will learn skills that will help them change their behaviors and transform their attitudes around diversity and inclusion. These changes will be reflected in the Banco de Bogotá.

  • Mobilize the Banco de Bogotá management team to change their attitudes and behaviors and position the company as a benchmark for diversity and inclusion policies and practices.
  • Strengthen the Banco de Bogotá Leadership School through actions for change that start at the individual level and expand to the collective level.
  • Implement the DecidoSer program to create an education and mobilization process for change among leadership. The program addressed 12 thematic topics and adapted them to the bank’s needs.
  • Implement the INclusiónes program to promote inclusive organizational spaces and to provide training in various topics, such as gender equality, diversity, and social, labor, and economic inclusion, using five virtual modules.

Funder: Banco de Bogotá

Project Director: Carolina Blackburn,
