Bright Futures: Spreading the Message of Health and Nutrition

Sierra Leone SNAP project participants

Through SNAP-Initiated VSLAs, Communities are Able to Save and Provide for Their Families in Sierra Leone

Life has been challenging for Dusu Conteh, a 50-year-old widow, who struggled to feed her eight children and pay their …

Sierra Leone SNAP female farmer empowered

Sierra Leone SNAP Empowers Farmers to Increase Yields and Curb Malnutrition

Life hasn’t been easy for mother of nine, Isata Bangura. Prior to participating in the ACDI/VOCA-implemented USAID Food for Peace-funded …

Sierra Leone SNAP cash disbursements

Sierra Leone SNAP+ Restores Dignity through Cash Disbursements

Sierra Leone’s first confirmed case of Ebola surfaced in early 2014. By July, 2014 the Government of Sierra Leone had …

Sierra Leone SNAP mothers learn WASH practices

Sierra Leone SNAP Trains Mothers on Nutrition and WASH Best Practices

Over the last few years, Hawa McCarthy, a young mother of five in Mobai village, Kailahun district, received guidance on …

Sierra Leone SNAP VSLA woman participant

Sierra Leone SNAP-Established VSLAs Empower

Adama Kamara is used to not having much privacy. She and her husband used to sleep in a single room …

Liberia LAUNCH farmer's child

Supporting Food Security and Ebola Recovery in Liberia

The Liberian Agricultural Upgrading, Nutrition, and Child Health (LAUNCH) project, a Title II, Multi Year Assistance Program (MYAP), concludes this …

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