Industrial Chickpea Processor Boosts Quality to Reach Markets

In partnership with Agro Prom International, an Ethiopian food processor and exporter, ACDI/VOCA’s AGP-AMDe project officially inaugurated a new industrial …

kyrgyzstan wlsme second closeout

Celebrating Women Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan

On August 28, 2015, hundreds of entrepreneurs, industry leaders, USAID representatives, and media gathered in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to celebrate the …

Liberian Women’s Co-op Increases Income and Food Security

The Gbehlay Geh Rural Women Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative Society (GRWFMCS) is a women-managed cooperative in east-central Liberia. The cooperative has …

Embracing CLA to Drive Technology Adoption in Kenya: AflaSTOP’s Experience

Read AflaSTOP’s winning submission for USAID’s Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (CLA) Case Competition. Using the experience with the grain dryer …

Aflatoxin Infographic

USAID’s Feed the Future Initiative recently produced this infographic on aflatoxin and its effect on both health and economics. AflaSTOP’s …

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Bangladesh – PROSHAR

U.S. Congressional Delegation Visits ACDI/VOCA-Supported Coffee Co-op

A U.S. Congressional Delegation toured the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union’s (YCFCU) processing plant in Addis Ababa during Obama’s state …

ACDI/VOCA Promotes Youth Opportunities

Globally, ACDI/VOCA implements agricultural programs that promote opportunities for smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods. Today, on International Youth Day, …

President Obama visits ACDI/VOCA Ethiopia AMDe project

Obama Visits ACDI/VOCA Project Participant on July State Visit

During his recent two-day visit to Ethiopia late last month, the first by a sitting U.S. president, President Obama met …

Portable Shallow-Bed Dryer: Demo and Fabricators (Formal and Informal) Training Report

This report summarizes the key findings and take-aways from a two-day workshop with informal, artisan “jua kali” fabricators on the …

Preliminary Go-to-Market Market Options for Portable Shallow Bed Batch Dryer

This document highlights key insights into factors that could influence AflaSTOP’s portable shallow-bed batch dryer’s go-to-market strategy, including target customers, …

Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Helps Ghanaian Cashew Cooperative

Located in central Ghana’s Brong Ahafo region, the Busunya Cashew Farmers’ Cooperative (BCFC) is a perfect example of how the …