Engaging Jamaican Youth in Agriculture through Farming as a Business

Oliver Creightney, 29, arrived at a church in Morant Bay in Jamaica’s St. Thomas Parish to mark his graduation from …

Mitigating Water Scarcity in Jamaica

In Colouden, a rural community located in Jamaica’s Clarendon Parish, hundreds of residents are not connected to running water through …

Keeping Girls in School in Northern Kenya

Dressed in her new uniform, Fardosa Boya, 12, walked toward the entrance of the school. It was the beginning of …

Ja REEACH II February 2019 Newsletter

Access Part II of the newsletter here

Gender Equality Is Gaining Momentum – As It Should!

We often hear that the future of a globalized economy is female. To me, that means that not only is …

Healthy, Happy Goats: A Volunteer’s Story from Ghana

Following an extremely rewarding career with the United States Agency for International Development, I decided to focus my time on …

Amazonian Seed Stars in Reconciliation Efforts in Colombia

Sacha inchi, known as the Inca peanut, was first cultivated by the Incas more than 3,000 years ago in the …

Jamaica Ja REEACH II disaster risk reduction

Preparedness Training and Flood Warning Systems Bolster Disaster Readiness in Jamaica

Icema and Vincent Swire’s home in the Fellowship community of Portland, Jamaica, sits where the Sandy River meets the larger …

Bangladesh Project Shares Science of Livestock Production with Women Farmers to Great Success

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated annually on February 11, recognizes the need to support women …

Congress Mandates USAID to Broaden Gender Approach

On January 9, 2019, the President signed into law the Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act (S. 3247). The act …

What Adaptive Management Means to Me—in Market Systems & Beyond

Q&A with Sergio E. Rivas (right), chief of party of the USAID Transforming Market Systems activity in Honduras Q: Tell …

Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity: Expanding and Diversifying Economic Opportunities

This Landscape Assessment and Analysis: Capital Supply and Demand in Northern Kenya was originally published in November 2018.