
COVID-19’s Disproportionate Impact on Women and Girls

Published by Agrilinks, May 26, 2020

Colombia_PAR_boys playing

Colombia PAR Receives Extension to Continue Reconciliation Efforts

ACDI/VOCA received a cost extension to continue our work in Colombia under the USAID-funded Program of Alliances for Reconciliation (PAR) …

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Honduras Transforming Market Systems Activity Joins Table to Revive Tourism Industry

Our USAID Honduras Transforming Market Systems (TMS) Activity has joined private- and public-sectors actors to form the National Tourism Table. …

Philippines_PhilCAFE-coffee competition screenshot

USDA Project Brews Up Business for Philippine Coffee in COVID-19 Marketplace

This spring, coffee farmers in the Philippines have had their products stored in warehouses all over the country. The farmers …


Gender, Social Inclusion, and COVID-19: Recommendations for Agriculture and Market Systems Project Implementation

Published by Marketlinks, May 15, 2020

Kenya_LMS_Daud Diba_poultry farmer

Diversified Livelihoods Increase Incomes for Pastoralist Communities in Kenya

A few kilometers from Isiolo town in central Kenya, off the Isiolo – Marsabit highway, lies the ever-expanding Burat Ward. Located on the extensive savannah plain, the developing community of homesteads speaks to …

Ghana_GPP_Edith and crowd

Ghana Poultry Project Keeps Market for Local Chicken Active During COVID-19

In Ghana, poultry producers are exploring new ways to facilitate trainings and conduct business online, while restrictions from the global …

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Updated CEO Statement: Phases of Transition

Like many around the world, we at ACDI/VOCA Group (ACDI/VOCA and its affiliates Tanager and AV Ventures) have been thinking …

Addressing the Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Girls

Because women and girls are already socioeconomically marginalized in many societies, they are especially vulnerable in emergencies. As a result …


Gender & Social Inclusion and COVID-19 Report

Our “Gender & Social Inclusion and COVID-19: Impacts and Recommendations for Agriculture and Market Systems Project Implementation” report, released April …

Keeping an Eye on Long-Term Economic Goals, Even During a Pandemic

Published by USGLC, April 30, 2020

Honduras-TMS-woman coffee seller

COVID-19 and a Rapid Analysis of Honduran Enterprises’ Capacities to Cope

Published by Marketlinks, April 30, 2020