Empowering Adolescent Girls to Thrive in Northern Kenya’s Economy

Published on Agrilinks, July 6, 2020.

Colombia_PAR_COVID roundup

Podcasts and PPE: Adapting to COVID-19 in Colombia

Below are updates from our programs in Colombia as they adapt to the unfolding COVID-19 situation. Podcasts Keep Border Town …

A Place to Trade: Stronger Markets Empower Women in Kenya’s drylands

Published by USAID Stories

Honduras-TMS-woman coffee seller

COVID-19 and A Rapid Analysis of Honduran Enterprises’ Capacities to Cope

Published on the MSD Hub of the Market Systems Symposium 2020, June 19, 2020

Open For Business

How A Bangladeshi Business Created A Milk Market That Helps Dairy Farmers Weather the Pandemic Published by USAID on Medium, …

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Beekeeping Protects Biodiversity & Offers Alternative Livelihoods for Liberian Women

Harvesting honey is a job traditionally associated with men because they are more able to work the late hours required …

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Webinar Examines How Rural Tourism Can Fuel Development in the COVID-19 Era

ACDI/VOCA celebrated World Environment Day on June 5, 2020, by hosting the webinar “What Is Rural Tourism? Opportunities for Development.” The live event …

ACDI/VOCA Statement of Solidarity with Protests Against Racial Injustice

Over the past two weeks, we have seen broad-based protests in the United States reflecting generations of frustration and anger …

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Five Market Systems Strategies to Revive Food & Agricultural Systems During COVID-19

Published by MarketLinks, June 4, 2020, and by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, June 1, 2020

Five Market Systems Strategies to Revive Food & Agricultural Systems During COVID-19

COVID-19 is challenging the world to adapt, and, in doing so, creating two distinct problems in our food and agricultural …

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COVID-19 Crisis Spurs Pivot to Virtual Volunteering

USAID initiatives Feed the Future and the volunteer program Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) build food security and strive to end global hunger. Both recognize that these grand goals require energy, resources, …

In Africa, A Drive to End Malnutrition Meets COVID-19

Op-ed by Tina Rosenberg, published by the New York Times, May 28, 2020