
Social Change Program “DecidoSer” Adapts to Support Colombians During the Pandemic

Five years ago, ACDI/VOCA set out to create a social change program that was relevant and impactful for a wide …

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Feed the Future Supports Bangladesh’s Largest Online Grocer in Offering Food Rations for COVID-19 Recovery

Chaldal is the largest online platform for grocery delivery in Bangladesh. Poised to become the country’s version of Amazon Fresh, …

Turning Livestock Manure into Sustainable Energy in Bangladesh

Published on Agrilinks, March 06, 2021.

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Supporting Farmers’ Access to Inputs in Bangladesh During COVID-19

One of the many damaging side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh was a blocking of critical agricultural inputs, …

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Making Markets Inclusive: Designing for Inclusion

Tools and Tactics from Zambia Many agricultural market systems development (MSD) programs have been turning their attention toward the inclusion of women, …

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Bridging the Gaps in Northern Kenya’s Access to Finance

Kenya has made significant progress in financial inclusion, tripling its financial sector in 13 years and providing financial access to 83 percent of the population, according to …

“Empowering Women in Coffee: The MILALITTRA Experience”

The video features the Talaandig People of Bukidnon Province in the southern Philippines, who developed a successful coffee enterprise through …

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World Water Day & the Paradox of La Guajira, Colombia

When it comes to water, La Guajira is a paradox. As Colombia’s largest and northernmost department, it boasts 1,642 kilometers …

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Engaging the Private Sector Series: Delivering on the Hype of Transformational Partnerships

ACDI/VOCA has a growing portfolio of market systems development projects that engage with the private sector, industry chambers, and market …

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A Decade of Advancing Crop Value Chains with Feed the Future in Ghana

In Ghana, maize, rice, and soybean crops are mostly produced by smallholder farmers. But these crops are important commodities in …

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Women Entrepreneurs Support Other Women in Ghana’s Poultry Sector

Fewer women than men work in Ghana’s poultry sector and even fewer at the leadership level. Mentorship can provide knowledge …

Producer Organizations Improve Cashew Sales in Northeastern Guinea

In Siguiri, a prefecture in northeastern Guinea, interest among local populations to pursue new livelihoods has grown rapidly in the …