PhilCAFE and Coffee Mentors Train 1,000 Filipino Coffee Farmers

Philippine Coffee Advancement and Farm Enterprise (PhilCAFE), an activity funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and implemented by …

Philippines_GAP training

ACDI/VOCA to Lead USAID’s Cooperative Development Program in Guinea and the Philippines

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce USAID has selected ACDI/VOCA to lead the Cooperative Development Program (CDP) in Guinea and the …

‘Champions of Change’ share COVID-19 safety and vaccine information in Northern Kenya’s Turkana County

Many communities in Northern Kenya are susceptible to environmental shocks and calamities, such as drought. Now, these communities face the …

Shaping Arts, Entrepreneurship, & Safe Spaces for Colombian Youth

Over the last eight months, the Youth Resilience Activity (YRA) has been working with local partners to implement small pilot …

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Adolescent GIRL Group Builds Community Resilience in Northern Kenya

Twenty-two-year-old Diana Camilla is the chairperson of the Shiners Girls Improving Resilience through Livelihoods (GIRL) group in the Ngaremara area …

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Sustaining Livelihoods through Poultry Farming in Northern Kenya

Thirty-four-year-old Raphael Ewoi is a poultry farmer living in Towokanyeni Village in Kakuma Town, located in Turkana West, a sub-county of Kenya’s Turkana County. Before venturing into the poultry business, Raphael had short-term contracts with a local non-governmental …

Bangladesh RDC sesame advisory services

Feed the Future Bangladesh Activity Expands Export-Led Sesame Sector and Improves Local Livelihoods

In 2018, the Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice and Diversified Crops Activity identified sesame as a marginal crop with a …

Food Systems Series: ACDI/VOCA Empowers Women and Youth in Food Systems

Action Track 4: Livelihoods and Equality Food Systems Suffer From Gender and Social Inequalities Women are key contributors to food …

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A Food Systems Approach to Combat the Three Cs: Coronavirus, Climate Change, and Conflict

Authored by ACDI/VOCA CEO CJ Hall; published by USGLC, September 23, 2021

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ACDI/VOCA to Lead Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce USAID/Bangladesh has selected ACDI/VOCA to lead the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity. …

Kenya RLA journalist training

USAID Kenya, Local Government, and Media Join Training on How to Tell Development Stories

In September, two USAID-funded activities in Kenya–the Resilience Learning Activity and the USAID Nawiri program–collaborated with government officials in Isiolo …

Food Systems Series: ACDI/VOCA Builds Resilient Food Systems

Action Track #5: Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks, and Stress Increased Shocks Undermine Food Systems The frequency and intensity of …