Man holding fall armyworm

Feed the Future Activity in Tanzania Engages Youth in Fight Against Fall Armyworm

Despite Tanzanian youth making up most of the country’s labor force, they are burdened with unemployment and struggle to access …

The Dirty Secret of Volunteering: You Get More than You Give 

Thank you, Peace Corps. In 1975, serendipity led me to you via an anonymous want ad touting “Teaching Positions Overseas.” An application and …

Volunteering through Generations: How a Wisconsin Family Supports Armenian Farmers

After first hearing about the Farmer-to-Farmer Program in 1994, John Bobbe eagerly signed up to volunteer in Poland. The program, …

Healthy, Happy Goats: A Volunteer’s Story from Ghana

Following an extremely rewarding career with the United States Agency for International Development, I decided to focus my time on …

Supporting Rural Farmers as a Student Volunteer in Bangladesh

Near the end my second year as a dual master’s degree candidate at Tufts University, I noticed an opportunity to …

ACDI/VOCA Farmer to Farmer David Ringuette and son

A Family Affair: Father and Son Volunteer for Farmer-to-Farmer

In the past three years, I have completed 17 volunteer assignments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. With 20 years …

Former Syngenta Employee Julie Moore volunteers with ACDI/VOCA Farmer-to-Farmer in Liberia

Former Syngenta Employee Volunteers with Farmer-to-Farmer in Liberia

For 20 years, Julia Moore’s father, Bill Eyman, traveled the world as an ACDI/VOCA volunteer for USAID’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program …

ACDI/VOCA volunteer Dr. Hameed

Growing Mushrooms in Ghana

Over the last two years, I traveled to the towns of Kumasi, in southern Ghana, and Haasto, near the capital …

ACDI/VOCA poject participant Victorine Bujakera polutry farmer in DRC

Woman Expands Poultry Farming Business with USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Technical Assistance

Victorine Bujakera is a farmer and member of a cooperative called the Coopérative des Fermiers de Kinshasa in the Democratic …

ACDI/VOCA Ghana Volunteer David Ringuette

ACDI/VOCA Volunteer Helps Mango Farmers Improve Productivity

Mango growers in southern Ghana with ACDI/VOCA Volunteer David Ringuette (center), wearing gifts he received during their last session Ghana …

ACDI/VOCA Famer to Farmer project participant in DRC

Moving Energy from Pastures to Cattle to You—and Back

Everyone should be good at something, right? Everyone should have one skill they practice their whole lives that their bodies …

ACDI/VOCA volunteer Phil Smith with the general director of a poultry company in Kumasi

ACDI/VOCA Volunteer Evaluates Assets for Ghana Poultry Company

In April, I arrived home from Ghana after completing an ACDI/VOCA volunteer assignment with the USAID-funded West Africa Farmer-to-Farmer Program …

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