Kenya-LMS-fodder harvest

In Kenya, Fodder Farmers Provide Livestock Lifeline During Drought

For pastoral communities living in Northern Kenya, livestock production is the dominant livelihood. Healthy and plentiful livestock is a significant …

Kenya-LMS-woman farmer success story

In Kenya, Young Woman Professional Leaves City for Farming Opportunity

Several years ago, now 26-year-old Mary Mumbi moved from Nairobi to Kulamawe, in Northern Kenya’s Isiolo County, to help support …

Companies and County Governments in Northern Kenya Team Up to Combat Drought

In 2021, drought hit many parts of Northern Kenya, with the greatest impact experienced in Garissa, Mandera, Marsabit, Isiolo, and …

Ghana-GPP-woman poultry producer

USDA-Ghana Poultry Project Ends, Critical Activities Continue

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded Ghana Poultry Project (GPP), which began in 2015, closed in December 2021, but …

Kenya-LMS-Raphael-Ewoi-poultry farmer

Sustaining Livelihoods through Poultry Farming in Northern Kenya

Thirty-four-year-old Raphael Ewoi is a poultry farmer living in Towokanyeni Village in Kakuma Town, located in Turkana West, a sub-county of Kenya’s Turkana County. Before venturing into the poultry business, Raphael had short-term contracts with a local non-governmental …

Bangladesh-LPIN-fodder entrepreneur 2

ACDI/VOCA to Lead Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce USAID/Bangladesh has selected ACDI/VOCA to lead the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity. …

Food Systems Series: Building Back Better: Nature-Based Food Systems

ACTION TRACK #3: BOOST NATURE-POSITIVE PRODUCTION A VICIOUS CIRCLE With more than a third of the world’s land surface and …

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Private Sector Partners of the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Access the Private Sector Partners list, published June 2021

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Results and Impacts of the Feed the Future Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Access the project brochure, published June 2021

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Stories of Change from the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Access “Stories of Change,” published June 2021

Ethiopia_man with cow stock

Tackling Food Security, COVID-19, and Armed Conflict in Ethiopia

Almost six month ago, amid growing concerns of the impact of COVID-19, an armed conflict erupted between Ethiopian federal government troops and Tigray-led forces. Ethiopia was …

Kenya_LMS_Celina Kathura_poultry rearer

Feed the Future Kenya Activity Takes Woman-Owned Poultry Business from Fledgling to Full-Grown

In the heart of Mwangaza Village in Isiolo County, Celina Kathura relishes the sound of clucking poultry in her backyard. Celina …

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