Colombia-IPACE-Amazon socialization

USAID Gender Conference 2024 – Resources

Access the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food for Progress Jamaica Spices Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GYSI) Analysis Report here. …

ACDI/VOCA Celebrates Women in Agricultural Market Systems in Northern Ghana

Women in northern Ghana work from sunrise to sunset to provide for themselves, their family needs, contribute to the national …

Two Months of Training, A Lifetime of Breaking Gender Barriers

Meet Nilufar, a successful artificial insemination (AI) service provider in the Jashore District of Bangladesh. Her journey to becoming an …

Female Farmers in Tajikistan Emerge to Dominate the Rural Labor Market

When it comes to improving fruit orchards in rural Tajikistan, pruning and grafting groups play a crucial role. These groups …

Northern Kenya Youth Group’s Fruitful Journey From Drought To Beekeeping

Garissa County, located in Northern Kenya, has a population of 841,353 people and is primarily inhabited by the Somali community, …

Young Entrepreneur Pioneers Insect Farming to Make Affordable Animal Feeds

Twenty-eight-year-old Irene Wangui rears black soldier flies’ larvae on a farm located in Bulapesa on the outskirts of Isiolo town. …

Unlocking the Water and Food Challenge in Northern Kenya Amidst Drought

The rains have failed for five seasons in many of Northern Kenya’s arid and semi-arid areas. The Adadijole Women’s Group …

ACDI/VOCA affiliate Tanager holds summit on gender and nutrition integration in agriculture

PRESS RELEASE Representatives of national, regional, and continental African institutions and organizations discussed practical findings collected over three years. Nairobi, …

Boosting Women’s Entrepreneurship Through Cooperative Development in Northern Kenya

The 30 female entrepreneurs who make up the Kulmis Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) in Northern Kenya’s Wajir County were …

Big Small Businesses Project Supports Young Agricultural Producers in Serbia for More Profitable Farming

Today, fewer young Serbians are willing to stay on their family farms and make a living in agriculture. The agriculture …

300 Filipino Youth Form 4H Club with USDA And Local Support

In Tagbina, a town located in the Philippines’s Surigao del Sur, 300 young coffee farmers and students organized themselves as …

Colombia-YRA-still from Plan T video upload

Video About Plan T, the Social Transformation Initiative Empowering Colombian Youth

Plan T, a social transformation initiative implemented by the Presidential Office for Youth (DAPRE), Colombia Joven, and USAID and ACDI/VOCA’s …