ACDI/VOCA RWANU Market Systems Assessment

Market System Interventions and Resilience Assessment in Uganda

Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) is a five-year Development Food Assistance Program funded by USAID’s Office of Food …

ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso Victory Against Malnutrition womens group Rasmata Moise 1

Women Drive Change in Burkina Faso

In the Center-North Region of Burkina Faso, senior male household members make most of the family decisions about income, land, …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU market systems

Sowing the Seeds of Resilience through Market Systems Development

Growing up on a small homestead farm left me with the desire to grow some of my own food because …

ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso ViM health

Mother Leaders Strengthen Village Health in Burkina Faso

Messages of health are spreading in Koulogho village, found in the Center-North region of Burkina Faso. Abibou Ouedraogo, 26, is …

Expanding Incomes for Small-scale Poultry Producers in Burkina Faso

Passingbamba Zoré was still in his twenties a couple years ago when he started a poultry raising business. A hardworking …

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh Market Vegetable Vendor

Balancing the Systems: Making Food and Market Systems Work for Nutrition

If you work in international development, you have probably heard a lot about food systems lately. The buzz about food …

ACDI/VOCA USAID Burkina Faso project participants in field

ViM Project Introduces Rice to Fight Hunger in Burkina Faso

Fati Kiéma, a mother of six children, lives in the village of Goenega in Burkina Faso. Like many women in …

ACDI/VOCA Celebrates 50 Years of Success After Launch of India’s Largest Fertilizer Producer

Tarun Bhargava (left), deputy general manager of IFFCO, celebrates with Bill Polidoro, president and chief executive officer of ACDI/VOCA In …

Pathway to Nutrition through Women’s Empowerment

ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso trees

Planting Trees: An Investment in the Environment Improves Food Security and Nutrition

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, I am admittedly a bit of a tree hugger. …

ACDI/VOCA Sierra Leone Snap+ measuring child for development

Building Resilience During Humanitarian Crises

At Inside NGO’s recent Food Aid Roundtable, Matthew Nims, acting director of Food for Peace (FFP), spoke about the future …

uganda rwanu maize fields

Changing Mindsets and Livelihoods for Enhanced Food Security

Traditionally, men in Karamoja in northeastern Uganda are herdsmen, looking after livestock while women are left to farming. But with …

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