
Innovating Primary Education and Creating Jobs in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Aidana Alibaeva worked abroad for 10 years as a Chinese language interpreter. She was always inspired by her grandparents, who …

Paraguay DRRCD hens screenshot video

Seguridad Alimentaria [Food Security] Activities of the Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Department Program

Access the Food Security video that outlines activities conducted by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance’s Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction …

Paraguay DRRCD video screenshot

Riesgo y Liderazgo [Risk & Leadership] in the Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Department

Access the Risk & Leadership video that outlines the activities of the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance’s Disaster Risk Reduction …

PhilCAFE’s 2021 Successes, Despite COVID-19 Challenges in the Philippines

The year of 2021, much like the previous, was all about adapting. In the Philippines, the five-year Philippine Coffee Advancement …

Fortification for Nutrition: Outcomes and Learnings from the USAID Cereal Market Systems Development Project (NAFAKA II)

Watch NAFAKA II’s final learning event: Fortification for Nutrition: Outcomes and Learnings from the USAID Cereal Market Systems Development Project …

Transforming the Livestock Market in Northern Kenya

Learn more about the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity here.

Colombia-IPACE-indigenous woman

Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian Empowerment

ACDI/VOCA’s approach to the Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian Empowerment (IPACE) Activity champions local ownership and leadership to ensure programming is …

USAID Kuza Enables Disaster Risk Management Legislation, Collaboration for the Future

In Northern Kenya, drought, floods, locusts, diseases, and conflict over resources negatively impact the wellbeing of communities. The result is …

Ghana-GPP-woman poultry producer

USDA-Ghana Poultry Project Ends, Critical Activities Continue

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded Ghana Poultry Project (GPP), which began in 2015, closed in December 2021, but …

Feed the Future Ethiopia Alliance to Accelerate Agricultural Growth

Ethiopian grain farmers are locked into a vicious poverty cycle driven by low productivity due to low-quality seed, manual cultivation, …

Honoring Exceptional Volunteers as ACDI/VOCA Celebrates 50 Years of Global Volunteer Programs

This year marks 50 years of ACDI/VOCA mobilizing volunteers from the United States and around the world to support global …

Ethiopia Alliance to Accelerate Agricultural Growth Activity_stock photo

ACDI/VOCA to Lead the Feed the Future Ethiopia Alliance to Accelerate Agricultural Growth Activity

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce USAID has selected the organization to lead the Feed the Future Ethiopia Alliance to Accelerate …