USAID Program Reaffirms Commitment to Reconciliation with Colombian Media Outlets
Two events held in Bucaramanga and Bogotá, Colombia, recently helped spread awareness of lessons learned and future opportunities for reconciliation …
Economic Analysis of the Honduras Remittances Ecosystem
Access the “Economic Analysis of the Honduras Remittances Ecosystem: An Assessment of the Role Remittances Have on Financial Inclusion and …
Innovating Primary Education and Creating Jobs in Southern Kyrgyzstan
Aidana Alibaeva worked abroad for 10 years as a Chinese language interpreter. She was always inspired by her grandparents, who …
Seguridad Alimentaria [Food Security] Activities of the Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Department Program
Access the Food Security video that outlines activities conducted by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance’s Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction …
Riesgo y Liderazgo [Risk & Leadership] in the Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Department
Access the Risk & Leadership video that outlines the activities of the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance’s Disaster Risk Reduction …
PhilCAFE’s 2021 Successes, Despite COVID-19 Challenges in the Philippines
The year of 2021, much like the previous, was all about adapting. In the Philippines, the five-year Philippine Coffee Advancement …
Fortification for Nutrition: Outcomes and Learnings from the USAID Cereal Market Systems Development Project (NAFAKA II)
Watch NAFAKA II’s final learning event: Fortification for Nutrition: Outcomes and Learnings from the USAID Cereal Market Systems Development Project …