Sierra Leone SNAP VSLA woman participant

Sierra Leone SNAP-Established VSLAs Empower

Adama Kamara is used to not having much privacy. She and her husband used to sleep in a single room …

Bill Polidoro and Senator Lugar

Liberia FIFES Receives Grant to Expand Programming and Impact

ACDI/VOCA implements the USAID-funded Forest Incomes for Environmental Sustainability (FIFES) project in Liberia. FIFES develops forest-based enterprises to provide sustainable …

Kenya Regal Ag Man unloading hay

Kenya REGAL-AG Supports Pasture Commercialization

Drought degrades grasslands and prompts their disappearance, leading to a loss of livestock. This can be detrimental for pastoralists, who …

Uganda RWANU labour market analysis

Wage Labor for Food Security in Southern Karamoja, Uganda

The Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Karamoja project (RWANU) aims to reduce food insecurity among vulnerable people in …

LEO Mozambique VCA report cover

LEO Report #31: Mozambique Agricultural Value Chain Analysis

USAID/Mozambique commissioned a value chain analysis (VCA) to prioritize and guide interventions within and across target value chains. The analysis …

Uganda RWANU Anna shares learning info

Uganda RWANU-Provided Sanitation Training Improves Health in Northern Village

ACDI/VOCA implements the USAID-funded Resilience through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) project in northern Uganda. In May 2015, RWANU staff …

Kenya REGAL-AG women working to improve telecommunications

New Kenya REGAL-AG Livestock Market Improves Telecommunications

Cellular Charging Stations Encourage Commerce and Empower Female Entrepreneur Margaret Lemois, a resident of Oldonyiro, in central Kenya’s Isiolo County, …

Ghana Advance II women holding smart cards

Technology Enhances Effectiveness of Ghana ADVANCE II

SmartCards House Participant Data, Inform Project Planning During the implementation of the first USAID Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain …

ACDI/VOCA Proud to Implement USDA Food for Progress Project in Ethiopia

FEED II Increases Livestock and Poultry Production to Improve Food Security Some 795 million people, 11 percent of the world’s …

Colombia: Program of Alliances for Reconciliation

Strengthening Communities’ Capacity to Mitigate Conflict and Advance Reconciliation Background Narrative With a final peace deal between the government and …

Kenya REGAL-AG Livestock Market Transforms Communities

Merti Livestock Market Boosts Livelihoods for Pastoralists Written by Lucy Wariara, with contributions by Lucyline Kagendo and Venny Mayaka Before …

Kyrgyzstan AgroHorizon potato farmers

Kyrgyz Potato Farmers Reap Record Profits

New Seeds, Early Varieties, and Technical Assistance Bring Success ACDI/VOCA’s USAID-funded Agro Horizon Project contributes to the growth of Kyrgyzstan’s …