
Bright Futures: Spreading the Message of Health and Nutrition


Backyard Businesses Empower Women in Mozambique

Argentina runs her supply business from her backyard in the outskirts of Maputo. For Argentina Wamuse, a farmer in the …

ACDI/VOCA celebrates International Women's Day

ACDI/VOCA Celebrates International Women’s Day 2017

ACDI/VOCA is excited to celebrate International Women’s Day on Wednesday, March 8. This year’s theme—#BeBoldForChange—is a call to action to …

Colombia PAR youth biking for peace

Cycling for Peace Mobilizes 2,000 Youth in Colombia

Since the late 1980s, Colombia’s Urabá region has been the site of territorial disputes between different armed groups, including guerillas, …

MinPact Promotes Gender Equity in the Philippines

Smallholder farmers in Zambia’s Eastern Province, Profit+

Zambia Profit+-Supported Agribusiness and Savings Group Members Apply Climate-smart Farming Techniques and Accumulate Savings

The 15 women members of the Production, Finance, and Improved Technology Plus (PROFIT+)– supported Mwaiwanga agribusiness and savings group in …

Zambia Profit+

Zambia PROFIT+ Grantee Creates Opportunity for Marginalized Women

ACDI/VOCA implements the USAID-funded Feed the Future Production, Finance, and Improved Technology Plus (PROFIT+) project in Zambia. As part of …

Uganda RWANU Enhances Health and Well-Being of Mothers and Children

Uganda RWANU Enhances Health and Well-Being of Mothers and Children

In southern Karamoja, which lies in remote northeastern Uganda, health facilities are few and far between. Previously, 32-year-old mother of …

Sierra Leone SNAP female farmer empowered

Sierra Leone SNAP Empowers Farmers to Increase Yields and Curb Malnutrition

Life hasn’t been easy for mother of nine, Isata Bangura. Prior to participating in the ACDI/VOCA-implemented USAID Food for Peace-funded …

Beekeeping Boosts Incomes in Uganda

In the remote, dusty village of Kamera in northeastern Uganda, villagers have traditionally depended on hunting, day labor, and small-scale …

Sierra Leone SNAP cash disbursements

Sierra Leone SNAP+ Restores Dignity through Cash Disbursements

Sierra Leone’s first confirmed case of Ebola surfaced in early 2014. By July, 2014 the Government of Sierra Leone had …

LEO Final Performance Report Cover

Leveraging Economic Opportunities Final Performance Report

Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) was a three-year contract to support programming that fosters inclusive growth through markets. Building on USAID’s …