Burkina Faso-ViMPlus-religious leaders gender equality training

Project Engages Religious Leaders to Promote Positive Gender Norms in Burkina Faso

In recent months, the Victory Against Malnutrition Plus (ViMPlus) Activity has made significant progress toward promoting gender and social inclusion …

Kenya_LMS_Turkana Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce Transforms To Better Serve Traders & Community in Northern Kenya

Picture Northern Kenya’s Turkana County and arid lands and people struggling with hunger may come to mind. For decades, residents …


Kathryn Merckel

Technical Director of Nutrition and Food Systems

Supporting Households in Centre-Nord to Meet Food Needs

​​​​​​​Due to the volatile security situation involving persistent attacks against civilians, the food and nutrition crisis has worsened in the …

World Food Programme Wins Nobel at Crucial Time

Last week the World Food Programme (WFP) won the Nobel Peace Prize for their “efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace …

Kenya LMS Shaake Umuro Day of the Girl

In Kenya, Safe Space Training Empowers Girls to Become Role Models

Shaake Umuro was born and raised at Shankera village of Hurri Hills in Marsabit County, 860 kilometers north of Nairobi, …

Kenya LMS Dorcas_Day of the Girl

Girls in Northern Kenya Overcome Adversity to Return to School

Kambi Sheikh is the small village on the outskirts of Isiolo town that 19-year-old Dorcas Wairimu calls home. Dorcas, along …

45 Podcasts: Migrants and Returnees Reinvent Themselves in Arauca

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia did not stop the momentum of Venezuelan migrants and Colombian returnees from …

Systems Diagnostic

The Systems Diagnostic was designed to help make sense of how systems function and to identify factors that provide high areas of leverage for broader systems change.

Ghana_ADVANCE II_mobile phone

Making Mobile Connections in Northern Ghana During COVID-19

The Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement II (ADVANCE II) Project distributed 400 mobile phones to …

Kenya_LMS_Elba Bashir_sewing machine

Young Women in Northern Kenya Team Up to Launch Small Businesses

Ebla Bashir, 20, lives in the Goth-Rahma village of the hot and dry Ibra Urey Ward, located about 690 kilometers …

Ghana_ADVANCE_outgrower story

Ghanaian Farmer Braves Planting Season & Supports Others Despite COVID-19 Disruptions

In Ghana, farmers’ use of imported hybrid seeds has grown over the last decade. This type of seed produces higher …