
Development For Today’s Markets: Aligning Practices With Economic Transformation

We are at an important juncture in international economic development. Globalization has led to an era of unprecedented interconnectivity of …

ACDI/VOCA to Target Enterprise Growth in Kyrgyz Republic under USAID’s Enterprise Competitiveness Project

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded ACDI/VOCA the Enterprise Competitiveness Project (ECP) in the Kyrgyz Republic. …

Trail Mix Is Having a Moment Thanks to Kyrgyz Youth-owned Business

The market research was clear. So far, no one in Kyrgyzstan was packaging dried fruit and nuts as trail mix, …

ACDI/VOCA RWANU Market Systems Assessment

Market System Interventions and Resilience Assessment in Uganda

Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) is a five-year Development Food Assistance Program funded by USAID’s Office of Food …

Unraveling the Mysteries of Social and Behavior Change

A great television commercial has been airing recently in the United States. Couples each get a long ribbon to roll …

Date Reference Automation Part 1: Multiple Reporting Periods

Let’s say you are starting a new five-year project on July 1, but your client is going to expect performance …

Energy Opportunities for Agriculture Systems and Food Security

Energy Opportunities for Agriculture Systems and Food Security

Promoting Energy Access, Efficiency, and Reliability Background Narrative Energy Opportunities for Agriculture Systems and Food Security (Energy for Ag) is …

ACDI/VOCA Data Digest Blog bullet chart

Introducing the Monitoring and Evaluation Bullet Chart

This edition of Data Digest is for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) people out there, or monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL), …

ACDI/VOCA Colombia Emprende Pacifico

Emprende Pacífico

Boosting Employment and Rural Entrepreneurship Background Narrative Emprende Pacífico was an initiative funded by Government of Colombia’s Ministry of Labor …


Improvement of the Cacao Value Chain in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Improving Opportunities for Arhuaco Indigenous Communities Background Narrative The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the world’s highest coastal range. …

Kyrgyzstan Agro Horizon prune drying

USAID Kyrgyz Project Leverages Private Investment to Export Dried Fruit

The next time you buy dried fruit in the United States, you may be buying apricots or plums grown by …

ACDI/VOCA Data Digest data next level

Data 101 Part 3: Taking Your Data to the Next Level

If you missed the first and second posts in the Data Digest series, I recommend you start there. In these …