
AV Ventures Invests in Maphlix Trust Ghana Limited to Support Ghana’s Horticulture Sector

AV Ventures, the impact investing subsidiary of ACDI/VOCA, has provided a long-term loan of US$700,000 to Maphlix Trust Ghana Limited, …

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USAID/Honduras Activity Offers Small Grants in Response to Migrant Crisis

In early 2021, the USAID/Honduras Transforming Market Systems (TMS) Activity established two new grant mechanisms to support small business owners …

AVV Kyrgyzstan digital nomads

Investing in a Hub for Digital Nomads in Kyrgyzstan

An important step has been taken toward the emergence of a hub for digital nomads, or independent remote workers, in …

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Engaging the Private Sector Series: Funding for Transformation

ACDI/VOCA has a growing portfolio of market systems development projects that engage with the private sector, industry chambers, and market …

COVID-19 Crisis As a Lens to Understanding Resiliency of Agent Banks in Bangladesh

Published on Marketlinks, April 15, 2021.

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Bridging the Gaps in Northern Kenya’s Access to Finance

Kenya has made significant progress in financial inclusion, tripling its financial sector in 13 years and providing financial access to 83 percent of the population, according to …

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Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity (KATA)

ACDI/VOCA has partnered with Chemonics to support the implementation of the five-year, USAID-funded Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity. The USAID …

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Engaging the Private Sector Series: Delivering on the Hype of Transformational Partnerships

ACDI/VOCA has a growing portfolio of market systems development projects that engage with the private sector, industry chambers, and market …

Producer Organizations Improve Cashew Sales in Northeastern Guinea

In Siguiri, a prefecture in northeastern Guinea, interest among local populations to pursue new livelihoods has grown rapidly in the …

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USAID Activity in Honduras Partners with IFC and LAFISE Group to Improve SME Financing in Central America

In the first initiative of its kind in Central America, the USAID Transforming Market Systems Activity, implemented by ACDI/VOCA in …

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USAID Mali CVC Project’s Access to Finance Strategy

Access the Technical Brief here.

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Financial Intermediaries Lend a Hand to Mali’s Agricultural Sector

In Mali, efforts by the USAID Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Project, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, to improve access to finance and …