ACDI/VOCA's AVVoices blog data digest series

Data 101 Part 2: Quality

If you missed the first post in the Data Digest series, I recommend you start here, with the beginning of …

ACDI/VOCA AV Voices blog post

Data 101 Part 1: Management

Data management can be tough, especially for those who are less numbers-oriented. I’ve been working with data for 15 years, …

ACDI/VOCA Ghana ADVANCE data management

ACDI/VOCA’s Data Platform Streamlines Project Management

Data science is changing business around the world. Can it also transform development? ACDI/VOCA is developing a technology stack, or …

ACDI/VOCA USAID SAREF International New Guinea GRAND

Guinea Rural Agrodealer Network Development (GRAND) Alliance/Guinea

Background Narrative GRAND is a USAID-funded Global Development Alliance that partners with SAREF International to accelerate economic recovery of households …


Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project

Background Narrative TRIMING aims to strengthen the quality of and access to productivity-enhancing and market access services for 130,000 farmers …

Kyrgyzstan US Ambassador visits Agro Horizon participating in Aravan ribbon cutting

US Ambassador Recognizes Critical Role of Agro Horizon’s Private-Sector Partners

On June 14 and 15, 2017, Shelia Gwaltney, the United States ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, visited two private-sector partners of ACDI/VOCA’s …

acdi/voca 2017 photo contest

Voting Now Open in Annual ACDI/VOCA Photo Contest

  ACDI/VOCA’s Communications & Outreach (C&O) division is excited to announce voting has begun in its annual photo contest. C&O …


“Can You Hear Me Now?” Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Developing Markets 

Globe-trotting international development professionals know mobile phones have become common tools in the countries where we work, in bustling metropolises …

Ethiopia Advanced Maize Seed Adoption Program (AMSAP)

Improving the Maize Value Chain Through Public-Private Partnerships Background ACDI/VOCA implemented USAID’s three-year Feed the Future Ethiopia Advanced Maize Seed …

ACDI/VOCA Facilitating Behavior Change

“Facilitating Behavior Change” Virtual Conference Delves into Social Behavior Change and Market Systems

Changing behaviors—especially multiple behaviors across market actors—can be challenging. Predictably, this means complex market systems are also difficult to transform. …

ACDI/VOCA signature tools

Why Signature Tools?

International development is often criticized because organizations took a “one size fits all” approach to their work, ignoring local history, …

All Africa Postharvest Technologies and Innovation Challenge

Out of hundreds of applicants, the EasyDry M500– a portable grain dryer developed through ACDI/VOCA and ASI’s AflaSTOP project– won …