Colombia_PAR YRA_LISA launch

130 Young Colombian Leaders Build Skills through Accelerator Program

In recognition of the United Nations’ World Creativity and Innovation Day on April 21, we’re celebrating youth in Colombia who …


Social Change Program “DecidoSer” Adapts to Support Colombians During the Pandemic

Five years ago, ACDI/VOCA set out to create a social change program that was relevant and impactful for a wide …

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Making Markets Inclusive: Designing for Inclusion

Tools and Tactics from Zambia Many agricultural market systems development (MSD) programs have been turning their attention toward the inclusion of women, …

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Bridging the Gaps in Northern Kenya’s Access to Finance

Kenya has made significant progress in financial inclusion, tripling its financial sector in 13 years and providing financial access to 83 percent of the population, according to …

Colombia_World Water Day

World Water Day & the Paradox of La Guajira, Colombia

When it comes to water, La Guajira is a paradox. As Colombia’s largest and northernmost department, it boasts 1,642 kilometers …

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Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity (KATA)

ACDI/VOCA has partnered with Chemonics to support the implementation of the five-year, USAID-funded Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity. The USAID …

Uzbekistan-ADA-field scene

Uzbekistan Agribusiness Development Activity (ADA)

ACDI/VOCA has partnered with Chemonics to support the five-year, USAID-funded Agribusiness Development Activity in Uzbekistan. The USAID Agribusiness Development Activity …

CLE: Cultivons l’Esprit de l’entreprise in Burkina Faso

Promotion & Stabilization of Farmer Producer Organizations (PSFPO)

Honduras_TMS_SME press release

USAID Activity in Honduras Partners with IFC and LAFISE Group to Improve SME Financing in Central America

In the first initiative of its kind in Central America, the USAID Transforming Market Systems Activity, implemented by ACDI/VOCA in …

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International Women’s Day Q&A: How Can Leadership “Choose to Challenge”?

This International Women’s Day, we’re examining the ways in which our leadership “Choose to Challenge” gender biases and inequalities within …

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Josephine’s Story: Starting a Business in Isiolo, Kenya

According to a 2014 UN Women report, studies show that girls who experience poverty are 2.5 times more likely to …