
ACDI/VOCA F2F Volunteer Empowers Woman Kyrgyz Entrepreneur to Expand Food Product Business

The small town of Aravan, tucked into Kyrgyzstan's remote Fergana Valley, rarely sees visitors. Its 27,000 residents face bleak economic …

Farmer-to-farmer Ghana farmers

ACDI/VOCA F2F Volunteer Helps Ghana Farmers’ Group Build Capacity to Increase Incomes

In central Ghana’s Brong Ahafo region, the Busunya Cashew Farmers’ Group exemplifies how capacity development can positively impact farming communities. …

Colombia ACIP Project Employs Innovative Technologies to Teach Children about Race and Ethnicity

Because racial discrimination and negative perceptions about ethnicity are often deep-seated, Colombia’s Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program (ACIP) shares positive messaging …

Colombia ACIP Program Debuts Augmented Reality App

The USAID Afro-Colombian Indigenous Program (ACIP) launched an interactive augmented reality app to complement and transcend its traditional briefing materials …

ATONU Launch Highlights Need for Optimizing Agriculture to Improve Nutrition

The ATONU: Improving Nutrition Outcomes through Optimized Agricultural Investments initiative kicks off at the Africa Day for Food and Nutrition …

ACIP Collaborates with Colombian Chef to Publish Cookbook Featuring Ancestral Cuisine

Over the past two years, ACDI/VOCA’s Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program partnered with renowned Colombian Chef Leonor Espinosa to bring “gastronomic …

Liberian Women’s Co-op Increases Income and Food Security

The Gbehlay Geh Rural Women Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative Society (GRWFMCS) is a women-managed cooperative in east-central Liberia. The cooperative has …

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Bangladesh – PROSHAR

ACDI/VOCA Promotes Youth Opportunities

Globally, ACDI/VOCA implements agricultural programs that promote opportunities for smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods. Today, on International Youth Day, …

Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Helps Ghanaian Cashew Cooperative

Located in central Ghana’s Brong Ahafo region, the Busunya Cashew Farmers’ Cooperative (BCFC) is a perfect example of how the …

Ethiopian Coffee Cooperative to Double Exports

Over the last several years, the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union (YCFCU) had to turn away buyers due to an …

Photo Contest 2015

And the 2015 Annual Photo Contest grand prize winner is … Lauren Bell! Our 2015 contest has been a tremendous …