
Action for Sustainable Agro-Industry in Lebanon (ASAIL)

Strengthening Linkages in Targeted ‘Growth Poles’ A long civil war coupled with continued instability and conflict have created a challenging …

women writing

Women’s Leadership in Small and Medium Enterprises Program in Kyrgyzstan

Providing Training and Technical Assistance to Support Female Entrepreneurs The Women’s Leadership in Small and Medium Enterprises (WLSME) project built …

women typing on a calculator

Technical Assistance to the Bai-Tushum Financial Foundation

Developing Microcredit Institutions to provide Rural Credit With funding from USAID, ACDI/VOCA and Swiss Caritas contributed a total of $1.2 …

Kenya Maize Development Program

Kenya Maize Development Program (KMDP)

Boosting Household Incomes, Raising Productivity Each year, the average Kenyan consumes 98 kilograms of maize, the staple of the Kenyan …

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Kenya Cooperative Development Program (CDP)

The Kenya Cooperative Development Program (CDP) worked with select farm cooperative members to improve the productivity and competitiveness of key …

cows and farmers

East Africa Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F)

Volunteers Help Build Smallholder Capacity Interventions in agriculture are crucial to economic growth and poverty reduction in Kenya and Uganda, …

women writing

KazMicroFinance LLC (KMF)

Developing Microcredit Institutions to provide Rural Credit After Kazakhstan gained its independence in 1991, the country immediately fell into recession. …

women signing

Central Asia Micro Finance Alliance (CAMFA)

Strengthening the Microfinance Lending Community The Central Asia Micro-Finance Alliance (CAMFA) was one of a new generation of ACDI/VOCA credit …


Consultative Service Delivery Program II

Development Program Aims to Strengthen Local Capacity Under a grant from the World Bank, the CDSP II project strengthened the …

Feed Enhancement for Ethiopian Development

colombian man


Improving the Social Status, Increasing Incomes Of Afro-Colombian And Indigenous Peoples Building on activities under the USAID-funded Afro-Colombian and Indigenous …


Broadening Participation through Civil Society

Fostering Participatory and Dynamic Democratic Systems Through a Stronger Civil Society ACDI/VOCA has built on its ten years of experience …