Incitiative Zona norte

Incitiative Zona norte (IZN) Program

Strengthening local governance to reduce illicit activity ACDI/VOCA’s Iniciativa Zona Norte (IZN) program worked to reduce social and economic illicit …


Community Development Program

Improving Local Economic and Social Conditions The Nicaragua Community Development Program improved local economic and social conditions by supporting ongoing …

community by river in Paraguay

Cooperative Development Program (CDP)

BUILDING STRONG LINKS BETWEEN FARMER COOPERATIVES AND ECONOMIC MARKETS ACDI/VOCA’s cooperative roots reach back to 1963, when U.S. farmer cooperatives …

Moldova irrigation

Irrigation Sector Reform

ACDI/VOCA implemented a subcontract for the Irrigation Sector Reform (ISR) Activity—funded by Millennium Challenge Account-Moldova—to improve national water resource management. …


Wellness and Agriculture for Life Advancement (WALA)

The USAID-funded Wellness and Agriculture for Life Advancement (WALA) was a five-year integrated food security program in Malawi that engaged …

National Association of Smallholder Farmers (NASFAM)

Joining Smallholders Together to Increase Economic Opportunities Malawi is one of Africa’s most densely populated countries, with more than 200 …

rice harvest

Food for Progress

Improvements in Agricultural Marketing Improve Incomes, Food Security Mali is one of the world’s least developed countries, ranked 175 out …


Integrated Initiatives for Economic Growth in Mail (IICEM)

Addressing Value Chain Constraints to Empower Producer Groups ACDI/VOCA addressed value chain constraints in Mali under a three-year USAID-funded Integrated …

two men

Agriculture Development Systems Activity (ADSA)

Increasing Productivity and Profitability for Resettled Farmers in Northern Segou ACDI/VOCA provided key agricultural services in the three-year program funded …


Smallholder Oil Palm Support (SHOPS)

Strengthening the palm oil value chain to drive economic growth ACDI/VOCA and partner Winrock International implemented the three-year Smallholder Oil …

Lebanon market

Lebanon Business Linkages Initiative

Learn more about ACDI/VOCA’s work in Lebanon.


Agriculture Quality Control and Certification (QCC) Program

Fostering Sustainable Growth, Reducing Poverty Since 2005, ACDI/VOCA has worked to increase the competitiveness of Lebanon’s global agro-processing industry. From …