Promoting Recovery in Zimbabwe (PRIZE)
ACDI/VOCA tackles food insecurity in Mudzi and Rushinga districts Zimbabwe has experienced several promising economic and political developments in recent …

USAID West Bank Food Security Program
Reducing Food Insecurity & Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods In September 2006 USAID awarded ACDI/VOCA a cooperative agreement to implement the West …

NGO Sector Strengthening Program
Developing Social Infrastructure in East Timor Beginning in December 2005, ACDI/VOCA implemented a USAID-funded program to build NGO-sector capacity in …

Mud Crab and Fish Cultivation
Aquaculture Creates New Opportunities for Villagers Timor-Leste (East Timor) is an island nation northwest of Darwin, Australia. The country’s population …

Sustainable Environmental Management through Mariculture Activities (SEMMA)
Developing Economically Viable & Environmentally Sustainable Income-Generating Activities ACDI/VOCA has helped coastal villagers in the Tanga region of Tanzania increase …

Smallholder Horticulture Outgrower Promotion (SHOP)
Fostering Economic Growth through a Value Chain Approach ACDI/VOCA’s two-year USAID-funded Smallholder Horticulture Outgrower Promotion (SHOP) project fostered economic growth …

Smallholder Empowerment and Economic Growth through Agribusiness & Association Development (SEEGAAD)
Alleviating Poverty & Countering Environmentally Unsustainable Practices For rural coastal communities in Tanzania, the littoral and marine environment found along …

Generating Economic Development through Microfinance in Southern Sudan (GEMSS)
Increasing access to financial services for poor entrepreneurs and households ACDI/VOCA won a subaward from the USAID-funded Generating Economic Development …

Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government Services (BRIDGE) Program
Increasing Food Security and Economic Growth ACDI/VOCA implemented a subaward for the USAID-funded Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government …

SoutCommunity Entrepreneurship & Business Initiative (CEBI)
Applying Cooperative Development Principles to Develop Historically Disadvantaged Businesses In 2000, the Community Entrepreneurship and Business Initiative (CEBI) began in …

Promoting Agriculture, Governance, & Environment (PAGE)
Revitalizing the Rural Economy, Empowering Marginalized Peoples The Promoting Agriculture, Governance and the Environment (PAGE) program was a five-year USAID-funded …

Serbia Enterprise Development Project (SEDP)
Increasing Serbian Enterprises’ Export Capacity and Trade Linkages The Serbia Enterprise Development Project (SEDP), a three-year program funded by USAID/Serbia’s …