three women

Smallholder Empowerment and Economic Growth through Agribusiness & Association Development (SEEGAAD)

Alleviating Poverty & Countering Environmentally Unsustainable Practices For rural coastal communities in Tanzania, the littoral and marine environment found along …

women from sudan

Generating Economic Development through Microfinance in Southern Sudan (GEMSS)

Increasing access to financial services for poor entrepreneurs and households ACDI/VOCA won a subaward from the USAID-funded Generating Economic Development …

women from sudan

Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government Services (BRIDGE) Program

Increasing Food Security and Economic Growth ACDI/VOCA implemented a subaward for the USAID-funded Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government …


SoutCommunity Entrepreneurship & Business Initiative (CEBI)

Applying Cooperative Development Principles to Develop Historically Disadvantaged Businesses In 2000, the Community Entrepreneurship and Business Initiative (CEBI) began in …


Promoting Agriculture, Governance, & Environment (PAGE)

Revitalizing the Rural Economy, Empowering Marginalized Peoples The Promoting Agriculture, Governance and the Environment (PAGE) program was a five-year USAID-funded …


Serbia Enterprise Development Project (SEDP)

Increasing Serbian Enterprises’ Export Capacity and Trade Linkages The Serbia Enterprise Development Project (SEDP), a three-year program funded by USAID/Serbia’s …

children in a classroom

Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA)

Empowering Communities Through Democratic Mechanisms In recent decades, conflicts have fractured Serbian society along ethnic and religious lines. After Slobodan …

grand opening

Sakhalin Regional Microcredit Program

Delivering Much-Needed Credit to Micro- and Small-Scale Entrepreneurs Beginning in 1999, ACDI/VOCA helped Russian small business owners gain a foothold …

taking care of infant baby

Sustainable Health Improvements through Empowerment and Local Development (SHIELD)

Increasing Access to Health Services In the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), in southern Philippines, less than half of …

man from the Philippines

CoCoPal Program

In 2009, ACDI/VOCA was awarded a project by USDA. Through the project, ACDI/VOCA monetized 13,200 MT of soybean meal and …



ACDI/VOCA Harnesses Public-Private Alliances to Strengthen Key Value Chains ACDI/VOCA helped farmers, lenders and other value chain actors improve agricultural …

paraguay pnpco

Paraguay National Police Community Outreach (PNPCO) Program

Strengthening Rule of Law Institutions and Presence of the State Through the Paraguay National Police Community Outreach (PNPCO) program, ACDI/VOCA …