
In Colombia, Project-Supported Robotics School Launches Women & Girls in Science, All the Way to NASA

Women and girls from Colombia’s Pacific Region are showing the world a different side of the once-marginalized area. Two young …

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh LPIN women milk

What Does It Take to Improve Nutrition? A Livestock Program’s Experience with Social and Behavior Change in Bangladesh

Published by Agrilinks, February 6, 2020


Mabel’s Story: A Young Mother and Venezuelan Migrant’s Journey to Empowerment

As a young girl, Mabel Iriarte dreamed of becoming a dancer. She was a Venezuelan migrant living in Cartagena, Colombia, …


Psychosocial Support Tool Reconciles Communities & Improves Employability

For populations that have experienced trauma or violence, healing is a crucial step toward social and economic stability. Many Colombians …

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh project participant feeding cows

Where’s the Meat – Ask Women, Youth, and Your Staff for the Answer

Published by USAID’s Learning Lab, December 18, 2019

Community Engagement in La Guajira

Enel Green Power is building three wind farms in La Guajira, a department located on the northern coast of Colombia …

Indigenous Women Artisanal Opportunities

Naatu is a new PepsiCo cereal brand with a social cause: to empower women. FAVLA designed and is currently implementing …

Workforce Development

There are two million youth in Colombia who lack access to education or work. FAVLA, the Texmodas Foundation, the corporate …


Cycling Events with Olympian Create New Narratives in Colombia’s Forgotten Regions

Imagine hundreds of cyclists riding through the streets as an Olympic gold medalist leads the pack. Years ago, this scene …


Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Communities Affected by Migration

Published by Agrilinks, December 9, 2019

Improving Childhood Nutrition by Empowering Women in Ghana’s Poultry Sector

Published by Agrilinks, November 27, 2019

Jimena-Nino headshot

Jimena Niño

Chief of Party of Youth Resilience Activity and Colombia Country Representative