
UN Women and USAID/Honduras Transforming Market Systems Activity Launch Alliance

On June 23, UN Women, the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and female empowerment, launched a strategic alliance …

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Young Women in Northern Kenya Team Up to Launch Small Businesses

Ebla Bashir, 20, lives in the Goth-Rahma village of the hot and dry Ibra Urey Ward, located about 690 kilometers …


Making Nutrient-Rich Fortified Maize Flour Available in Tanzania

Many people in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands rely on maize flour processed at local mills for the bulk of their daily …

Colombia_Katherine Ko photo contest winner

10 Ways USAID Is Advancing Fundamental Freedoms, Promoting Democracy, and Strengthening Human Rights Around the World

Published on USAID’s Medium blog, September 17, 2020

In Tanzania, Youth Village-Based Agricultural Advisor Empowers Her Community

“NAFAKA II GAP (Good Agriculture Practice) training enabled us at the village to increase maize harvest from 3 to 15 …

ViMPlus Trains Youth Mentors on Hygienic Menstruation Management

As part of its health, nutrition, and WASH activity implementation, the USAID-funded Victory Against Malnutrition Plus (ViMPlus) Activity has recently …

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Women Play Significant Role as Ambassador Farmers in Bangladesh

Mr. Shahjahan is a crop clinic advisor for Bayer Crop Science in the Jashore District of southwestern Bangladesh. Back in …

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Bangladeshi Sesame Farmers Reach Global Markets

Asma Khatun is a sesame farmer from Rajbari in southwestern Bangladesh. Although sesame grows well in Bangladesh’s climate, Asma and …

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USAID Zambia Enterprise Development and Growth Enhanced (EDGE) Activity

The USAID Zambia Enterprise Development and Growth Enhanced (EDGE) Activity is a five-year $14.5 million activity that aims to create …

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Ghana Women Thrive in Village Savings and Loan Associations

Published on Africa Banking & Finance website, September 3, 2020


Livestock Service Providers Break Gender Biases in Bangladesh

Published on the Feed the Future website, August 26, 2020

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Six Ways Ghanaian Women Thrive in Village Savings and Loan Associations

The Upper East Region is a less traditional alcove of Ghana where communities are more open to women taking part …