Bangladesh RDC sesame advisory services

Feed the Future Bangladesh Activity Expands Export-Led Sesame Sector and Improves Local Livelihoods

In 2018, the Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice and Diversified Crops Activity identified sesame as a marginal crop with a …

Bangladesh-LPIN-fodder entrepreneur 2

ACDI/VOCA to Lead Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce USAID/Bangladesh has selected ACDI/VOCA to lead the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity. …

USDA Applauds PhilCAFE’s Ability to Engage Youth in Philippine Coffee Sector

Despite recent growth in the Philippine coffee industry, young people remain a challenge to engage in the country’s coffee sector. …

Colombia_YRA_Youth Month August 2021

Youth Month Activities Bring People Together in Colombia

In Colombia, the USAID-funded Youth Resilience Activity (YRA) celebrated International Youth Day on August 12 with a series of events …

USAID Zambia EDGE Activity Mentors Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Making the agricultural products of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) more competitive requires increasing competitiveness across the value chain, including …

Food Systems Series: ACDI/VOCA Transforms Food Systems for Sustainability

ACTION TRACK #2: SHIFT TO SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION PATTERNS The Current Food System Is Unsustainable Food is a vital component of …

FAVLA Colombia

Fundación ACDI/VOCA Latin America Marks Third Anniversary

Fundación ACDI/VOCA LA (FAVLA), a nonprofit affiliate of ACDI/VOCA registered in Bogotá, Colombia, celebrates three years in operation. Since its …

Kyrgyzstan’s Kupuev Academy Raises $700,000 from ACDI/VOCA Impact Investing Subsidiaries AV Ventures & AV Frontiers

Kupuev Academy, a private, progressive school located in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, announced that it has raised $700,000 in financing. The investment …

Systems Leadership to Build Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Honduras

Globally, we have seen the importance of entrepreneurial ecosystems in supporting entrepreneurs to access human and financial capital and in …

Engaging the Private Sector Series: Five Building Blocks of Transformational Partnerships

ACDI/VOCA recently hosted a technical exchange focused on transformational partnerships. While the purpose of this exchange was to share examples …

Colombia-YRA-Festival de las Ideas

Colombia Youth Resilience Activity Celebrates Youth Day

In Colombia, young people who may be disengaged child soldiers, former youth offenders, migrants, survivors of violence, or those living …

Honduras_TMS-potato Farmer story

Creating Agricultural Jobs in Honduras’s Lenca Indigenous Communities

Brenda Aracely Dominguez lives in the highlands of Intibucá, Honduras, on land where her family has grown potatoes for generations. …