
AV Ventures’ Portfolio Company AgroCenta Joins U.S.-Based Accelerator for Food Tech Startups

Over the next three months, the technology-driven agricultural platform provider AgroCenta, an investee company of AV Ventures founded in Ghana …

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Young Honduran Coffee Farmer Strengthens Family Business Thanks to Business Incubator Program

Williams Alberto Gámez Suazo, 31, is an organic coffee farmer in Honduras. He recently learned how to successfully diversify his …

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Abshira Ahmed, an entrepreneur bakery owner, strengthened her business thanks to a grant for much-needed new equipment.   Ever since she …

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Struggles and Successes of Testing a Business Accelerator Model for Women in Bangladesh’s Agricultural Market

Access the article by Bidowra Khan and Nathalie Me-Nsope, published by Agrilinks, July 2022 here.

Achieving Food System Objectives in Market System Development in Northern Kenya

In pastoralist communities like those throughout Northern Kenya, poultry meat has long been associated with poverty and as a meal …

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Feed the Future Mozambique Resiliência Integrada na Nutrição e Agricultura (FTF RESINA) Activity

Background Narrative The FTF RESINA project is a five-year initiative to support farmers in the Nampula and Zambezia provinces of …

Projekat Velika Mala Privreda

Projekat Velika Mala Privreda (Big Small Businesses Project) is a five-year activity that will enable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to …

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U.S.-Based Volunteer Supports Month-Long Training of Zambian Agribusinesses Online and In-Person

Dr. Mark Wade is an international consultant, researcher, teacher, speaker, and author from Fort Pierce, Florida. He holds a BS …

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How Do We Reconcile a Post-Conflict Colombia? Boosting Economic Inclusion

By Katherine Ko, Daniel Sumner, and Melissa Matlock Decades of conflict may have divided Colombian communities, but a 2016 peace deal between …

How a Virtual Business-to-Business Meeting Introduced a Zambian Farming Enterprise to New Buyers

Salima Lungu launched her business, C&S Agro, in 2011 in the Chibombo District of Zambia. Now, a decade later, she …

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Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience

Background Narrative The USAID-funded Ghana Market Systems and Resilience Activity (MSR) is a five-year, $35.9M follow-on project to USAID/Ghana ADVANCE …

Ghana women in field

ACDI/VOCA Awarded the Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience Activity by USAID

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recently named ACDI/VOCA to lead the five-year Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems …