
Afghanistan Agricultural Credit Enhancement (ACE)

Increasing Lending Throughout the Agricultural Sector Agricultural Credit Enhancement (ACE) was a four-year USAID-funded project that started in July 2010 …

ethiopia AGP AMDe women sorting coffee

Ethiopia AGP-AMDe Project Drives Agribusiness Success

The USAID-funded Feed the Future initiative in Ethiopia, Agricultural Growth Program-Agribusiness and Market Development (AGP-AMDe), sustainably transitioned hundreds of its …

Ethiopia savings credit, men

ACDI/VOCA Celebrates 20 Years of Success in Ethiopia

ACDI/VOCA is proud to commemorate 20 years of successful work and collaboration in Ethiopia. Our activities have focused on cooperative …

Colombia ACIP clothier

ACIP Support Attracts Colombian Clothier to Invest in Quibdó

In partnership with the magazine Semana, the USAID-funded Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program (ACIP) supported the Quibdó Festival Detonante, a three-day …

Profit Planner Screenshots

Profit Planner Featured in IFC Lending Guide

Profit Planner, a Signature Tool from ACDI/VOCA, was highlighted as part of a “robust lending methodology” within the recently published …

AgFin Ghana ASI project; men with tractor

Agribusiness Systems International Awarded Grant to Expand Mobile Money Technology in Ghana

An affiliate of ACDI/VOCA, Agribusiness Systems International, is partnering with Tigo Cash, a mobile money provider, and OpenRevolution, an international …

Kyrgyzstan’s Bai Tushum Bank Turns 15

With USDA Food For Progress funding, ACDI/VOCA merged three credit cooperatives to establish the nonprofit financial fund Bai Tushum in …

ATONU Launch Highlights Need for Optimizing Agriculture to Improve Nutrition

The ATONU: Improving Nutrition Outcomes through Optimized Agricultural Investments initiative kicks off at the Africa Day for Food and Nutrition …


Affiliated Financial Institution Summit Explores Private Sector Approach to Development

ACDI/VOCA hosted the third annual Affiliated Financial Institution (AFI) Network Senior Manager Summit in Amsterdam in mid-August 2015. The AFI …

U.S. Congressional Delegation Visits ACDI/VOCA-Supported Coffee Co-op

A U.S. Congressional Delegation toured the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union’s (YCFCU) processing plant in Addis Ababa during Obama’s state …

Ethiopian Coffee Cooperative to Double Exports

Over the last several years, the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union (YCFCU) had to turn away buyers due to an …

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Kenya – AflaSTOP: Portable Shallow Bed Batch Dryer