Cristobal Aguilar headshot

Cristobal Aguilar

Senior Director of Agriculture and Community Development

Hayden Aaronson headshot

Hayden Aaronson

Managing Director, Market & Food Systems

Man leading women outside

Official Development Assistance & Impact Investing Can Work Together to Make the World a Better Place

This article originally appeared on the SOCAP (Social Capital Markets) website prior to SOCAP19, an annual conference focused on market-based …

Fundación ACDI/VOCA Latin America Marks First Year of Empowering Communities

Despite strides to reduce poverty in recent years, 29.6 percent of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean still …

Family in garden

Emergency Response in Arauca (ERA) II

Arauca is the main municipality of the northeastern Colombian Department of the same name. Located south of the Arauca River, …

Family smiling outside

ACDI/VOCA Announces $38 million Agriculture and Food Systems Activity in Myanmar

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce a new five-year, $38 million activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development …

Feed the Future Burma Agriculture and Food Systems Development Activity (AFDA)

The Agriculture and Food Systems Development Activity (AFDA) will increase the productivity, inclusiveness and competitiveness of key market segments in …

Man and woman talking by new phone

Are Kenya’s Mobile Lending Apps Solving or Perpetuating Debt?

A recent article published by Boston Review explored the pitfalls of digital finance and mobile lending apps in Kenya, a …


A Day in the Life of a Rural Woman Farmer in Tanzania

To celebrate the United Nations’ International Day of Rural Women, we proudly share photos from photographer Nevil Jackson who volunteered …

African women talking in marketplace

Cash Transfers Help Ultra-Poor Women Become Entrepreneurs in Northern Kenya

Paulina Adapal Paen never thought she could be a businesswoman. Raising five children on her own, she was struggling just …

Volunteers smiling with local people

Program Supports Community Integration & Spurs Ecotourism of Colombia Amazon

Up until a few years ago, the rich biodiversity around Florencia, Caquetá, remained largely untouched by tourism. As in many …

Beekeepers in Colombia

Beekeeping Heals Sting of the Past, Fostering Reconciliation in Colombia

Bees have become unusual teachers in the municipality of San Carlos (Antioquia), where violent conflict left weak social structures in …