Kenya_USAID Kuza_County Executive Zoom mtg screenshot

In Northern Kenya, USAID Kuza & Counties Collaborate to Adapt to Changing Health, Environmental, & Economic Landscape

In early 2020, ten Arid and Semi-Arid counties of the Frontier County Development Council (FCDC) faced significant shocks that threatened …

Kenya_LMS_GIRL_Makai Ibrahim

Girls’ Education in Northern Kenya Paves Road to Financial Empowerment

Between Marsabit and Moyale, about 750 kilometers from Nairobi, on the winding road that snakes its way to the border …

Inclusive Market Systems Expand Northern Kenya’s Youth Opportunities

Published on Agrilinks, July 14, 2020

Ghana ADVANCE II extension news item

ACDI/VOCA Awarded One-Year Extension in Developing Ghana’s Agricultural Value Chain

USAID has awarded ACDI/VOCA a cost extension to continue our work in Ghana under the Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural …

Ghana_GPP_Egg Glut Story

Facing Egg Glut, Poultry Farmers Receive Support from USDA Ghana Poultry Project

The ravaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have taken their toll on economies around the world. In the midst of …

Mortimer_Neufville_Board member

“We Have Entered a New Norm”: 19 Years Serving ACDI/VOCA’s Board of Directors

A Q&A with Mort Neufville, newly named director emeritus of ACDI/VOCA’s Board of Directors Dr. Mortimer Neufville (2nd from left …

Honduras-TMS-woman coffee seller

COVID-19 and A Rapid Analysis of Honduran Enterprises’ Capacities to Cope

Published on the MSD Hub of the Market Systems Symposium 2020, June 19, 2020

Open For Business

How A Bangladeshi Business Created A Milk Market That Helps Dairy Farmers Weather the Pandemic Published by USAID on Medium, …

Liberia_FIFES_beekeeping story

Beekeeping Protects Biodiversity & Offers Alternative Livelihoods for Liberian Women

Harvesting honey is a job traditionally associated with men because they are more able to work the late hours required …

Armenia_F2F_David Visher

Webinar Examines How Rural Tourism Can Fuel Development in the COVID-19 Era

ACDI/VOCA celebrated World Environment Day on June 5, 2020, by hosting the webinar “What Is Rural Tourism? Opportunities for Development.” The live event …

Tanzania_NAFAKA_youth with tractor

Five Market Systems Strategies to Revive Food & Agricultural Systems During COVID-19

Published by MarketLinks, June 4, 2020, and by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, June 1, 2020

Belarus_WLP_woman at podium

Belarus Women’s Leadership Program (WLP)

The Belarus Women’s Leadership Program (WLP) strengthened the capacity and outreach of the Belarussian Women’s NGO Network while reinforcing the …