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Engaging the Private Sector Series: Delivering on the Hype of Transformational Partnerships

ACDI/VOCA has a growing portfolio of market systems development projects that engage with the private sector, industry chambers, and market …

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A Decade of Advancing Crop Value Chains with Feed the Future in Ghana

In Ghana, maize, rice, and soybean crops are mostly produced by smallholder farmers. But these crops are important commodities in …

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Women Entrepreneurs Support Other Women in Ghana’s Poultry Sector

Fewer women than men work in Ghana’s poultry sector and even fewer at the leadership level. Mentorship can provide knowledge …

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USAID Activity in Honduras Partners with IFC and LAFISE Group to Improve SME Financing in Central America

In the first initiative of its kind in Central America, the USAID Transforming Market Systems Activity, implemented by ACDI/VOCA in …

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Josephine’s Story: Starting a Business in Isiolo, Kenya

According to a 2014 UN Women report, studies show that girls who experience poverty are 2.5 times more likely to …

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Feed the Future Kenya Activity Takes Woman-Owned Poultry Business from Fledgling to Full-Grown

In the heart of Mwangaza Village in Isiolo County, Celina Kathura relishes the sound of clucking poultry in her backyard. Celina …

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Financial Intermediaries Lend a Hand to Mali’s Agricultural Sector

In Mali, efforts by the USAID Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Project, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, to improve access to finance and …

Giovanny Cuero Rincón

Deputy Chief of Party of Programs for the USAID/Honduras Transforming Market Systems Activity

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A Challenging Year in Review: Advancing the Philippine Coffee Sector in 2020

The year 2020 began on a promising note for the Philippine Coffee Advancement and Farm Enterprise (PhilCAFE) project, beginning with …

Simon Muli

Deputy Chief of Party of Expanding Economic Opportunities under the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity

Feed the Future Activity Partners with Private Sector to Empower Female Farmers in Bangladesh

The Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice and Diversified Crops Activity partnered with Bayer CropScience Ltd. to train women as “ambassador …

Employment for Empowerment: Youth in ICTs Program

In 2019, national unemployment stood at 10.5 percent according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) in Colombia. For …