Smiling volunteers on deck

USDA PhilCAFE Project Encourages Youth Engagement in Agriculture

In the Philippines, the average age of a farmer is 56 years old. Many government institutions in the country are …

Female Sunflower Farmer Increases Earnings Thanks to New Market Linkages

Lipika Mondol, 36, lives in Dacope, a small upazila, or subdistrict, in the Khulna Division of southern Bangladesh. Her family …

Feed Enhancement for Ethiopian Development (FEED) III

Background Narrative Ninety percent of crop production is dependent on draft animals. Despite the scale of the livestock industry in …

Unleashing the Potential of Female Agri-Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

Business Accelerator Model Ignites Market Connections and Breaks Social Barriers for Women Few female entrepreneurs in southern Bangladesh take their …

Private-Sector Partnerships Make Time-Saving Machinery Accessible in Rural Bangladesh

Rice is the most dominant food crop in Bangladesh. It thrives in the country’s coastal southern regions, but it can …

Boosting Incomes through Farmer Field Schools in Jamaica

Learning Farming as a Business in Jamaica

Cassava Farmers Join in Red Stripe Beer’s Jamaican Pride and Profits

Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Overview Video

Cassava Farmers Join in Red Stripe Beer’s Jamaican Pride & Profits

Charmaine Blair-Stewart has been managing her 11.5-acre farm in the St. Thomas Parish of Jamaica since her husband died suddenly …

Engaging Jamaican Youth in Agriculture through Farming as a Business

Oliver Creightney, 29, arrived at a church in Morant Bay in Jamaica’s St. Thomas Parish to mark his graduation from …

Mitigating Water Scarcity in Jamaica

In Colouden, a rural community located in Jamaica’s Clarendon Parish, hundreds of residents are not connected to running water through …