
ACDI/VOCA Awarded the Market Driven Rural Development Activity by USAID

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded ACDI/VOCA an associate award under the Farmer-to-Farmer cooperative agreement to lead the …

Market Driven Rural Development Activity

The five-year Market Driven Rural Development Activity will accelerate Tajikistan’s agriculture sector growth to enable inclusive access to economic opportunities …

Laurent Gomis

Laurent Gomis is the chief of party of the Siguiri Agricultural Development Activity as well as the Cooperative Development Program …

Kenya-LMS-fodder harvest

In Kenya, Fodder Farmers Provide Livestock Lifeline During Drought

For pastoral communities living in Northern Kenya, livestock production is the dominant livelihood. Healthy and plentiful livestock is a significant …

PhilCAFE Coffee Mentors Help Filipino Farmers Improve Production

In the Philippines, “coffee mentors” are lending their expertise to other coffee growers in a bid to improve farming practices. …

USDA-Supported Filipino Coffee Farmers Break Record Prices in Auction

Filipino coffee farmers who won at this year’s Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC) earned record prices during the online auction, …

Honduras_TMS_young coffee farmer

Young Honduran Coffee Farmer Strengthens Family Business Thanks to Business Incubator Program

Williams Alberto Gámez Suazo, 31, is an organic coffee farmer in Honduras. He recently learned how to successfully diversify his …

Luis Flores

Luis Flores is a senior technical director who provides technical support to initiatives around the world focused on increased trade …

Mozambique-RESINA-women in field

Feed the Future Mozambique Resiliência Integrada na Nutrição e Agricultura (FTF RESINA) Activity

Background Narrative The FTF RESINA project is a five-year initiative to support farmers in the Nampula and Zambezia provinces of …

Zambia-EDGE-Volunteer story_Dr. Mark Wade

U.S.-Based Volunteer Supports Month-Long Training of Zambian Agribusinesses Online and In-Person

Dr. Mark Wade is an international consultant, researcher, teacher, speaker, and author from Fort Pierce, Florida. He holds a BS …

Ghana MSR photo 2

Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience

Background Narrative The USAID-funded Ghana Market Systems and Resilience Activity (MSR) is a five-year, $35.9M follow-on project to USAID/Ghana ADVANCE …

Ghana women in field

ACDI/VOCA Awarded the Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience Activity by USAID

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recently named ACDI/VOCA to lead the five-year Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems …