
Growth Oriented Microenterprise Development Program (GMED)

Integrating Farmers into Commercial Supply Chains ACDI/VOCA implemented USAID’s first enterprise development project in India, the 4-year India Growth-Oriented Microenterprise …

people carrying food in Haiti

USAID PL 480 Title II Multi-Year Assistance Program


Southern Horticulture Zones Project

Improving the Standards of living for Ghanian Farmers In Ghana’s southern horticulture zone, ACDI/VOCA worked to increase agricultural productivity, high-value …

Ghana Advance Female Project Participants

Agricultural Development & Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) Project

Transforming the Agricultural Sector Through Increased Competitiveness The Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) II project supports the …

grand opening


Strengthening Market Value Chains to Increase Economic Opportunities Although almost 20 years have passed since Georgia achieved independence from the …


Pastoral Livelihoods Initiative-Livestock Marketing (PLI-LM)

Strengthening the Value Chains of Pastoralist Communities With an estimated 41 million cattle, 26 million sheep, 23 million goats and …

Ethiopia Farmer to Farmer Program

Supporting Small-Scale Farmers &Amp; Improving Their Marketing Skills Agriculture accounts for half the gross domestic product and 90 percent of …

coffee development

Ethiopian Coffee Development Program

Increasing Smallholder Incomes from Coffee The practice of cooperation to solve mutual problems through organized and coordinated efforts has a …

Agricultural Cooperatives in Ethiopia

Agricultural Cooperatives in Ethiopia (ACE) Program

Though agriculture accounts for 90 percent of exports and 86 percent of total employment in Ethiopia, smallholder farmers have traditionally …

women doing research

Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes–Dairy and Livestock

Developing Reliable, Transparent Marketing Channels For Smallholder Farmers The dairy and livestock sector in Egypt has historically suffered from inefficient …

Agribusiness Linkages Global Development Alliance


SUCCESS Alliance

Public-Private Partnership Helps Transform Cocoa Sector The world’s cocoa sector currently represents an intersection of challenges and opportunities which require …